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Mother battles Golding Homes over damp problem in her Maidstone flat

By: Alan Smith

Published: 05:00, 26 February 2022

Updated: 10:16, 26 February 2022

A young mother is in despair over the state of the Golding Homes property that she is forced to live in and has now started legal action against the housing association.

Genty Barton, 31, moved into the ground-floor flat in Wheeler Street, Maidstone, just over a year ago with her six-year-old son Billy-Jay.

Genty Barton: Damp problem in her Golding Homes flat in Maidstone (55104036)

She said: "I previously had a top-floor flat in Marden, but I asked for a move because I had trouble with the stairs as I have a back injury.

"Because we were in the pandemic, I wasn't allowed to view the new flat first, just given the number to a key safe and told to move in.

"At first it didn't look too bad, I think they must have painted over everything, but pretty soon the damp started to come through."


Miss Barton said: "There is now black mould all round the flat."

She is worried for her own health and that of her child, but repeated requests to the housing association to do something have fallen on deaf ears.

Mould on the wall in the lounge

Miss Barton even engaged a specialist company of chartered surveyors, Paterson Harkin, to examine her flat and report on its condition.

KentOnline has seen a copy of their 24-page inspection report after the firm visited the property on January 14.

The firm lists "black mould all around the balcony, black mould growth around the windows in the living room, the kitchen door is covered in black mould growth, there is black mould all around the bathroom in the walls, tiles and ceiling, the window, window sill and furniture in the main bedroom are full of black mould growth, and in the hallway there is black mould near the front door."

The form also reports "a large structural crack near the back door in the living room."

The company observed: "The previous occupant had a disability and as a result Golding Homes had removed the bath and installed a wet room."

Mould on the bathroom ceiling

It said: "The wet room is leaking water into the floor screed, and this is where most of the problems with this property originate."


Miss Barton is supported in her request for either the mould to be dealt with or for her to be moved to another property by her GP surgery, which has twice written to Golding Homes.

Back in November last year, Dr Stephen Johnson told the housing association: "I am writing in support of Genty's application to get the mould in her flat attended to.

"She has asthma and a penicillin allergy. It is likely that the fungal spores released from the mould are the cause of health problems that she has, namely chest and breathing problems, and problems with allergies and rashes."

She has now placed her complaint against Golding Homes in the hands of a solicitor.

Mould above the front door

The assistant director of property for Golding Homes, Steve Stratford, said: “We’re aware of this issue with damp and mould and would like to say sorry to Miss Barton for the length of time it’s taking to resolve this.

"Our contractors have attended twice to complete a mould wash and painted the bathroom with anti-mould paint.

"We have completed an inspection and a programme of works is currently with the customer's solicitor as part of this ongoing complaint.

"We're working with Miss Barton’s solicitor to agree a resolution as quickly as possible.”

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