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Thousands of lockdown complaints received by Kent trading standards

By: Rhys Griffiths

Published: 06:00, 12 June 2020

Updated: 13:36, 12 June 2020

Enraged residents have made more than 2,000 complaints about lockdown breaches – while one barber offered our reporter a haircut but denied his business was even open when confronted.

Members of the public across Kent have contacted officials with issues ranging from scammers selling fake goods, fake PPE and prohibited shops trading despite social distancing measures.

Week Street in Maidstone. Picture: Chris Davey

Around 150 businesses across the county have been contacted by trading standards officers, while in 18 cases legal action has been started with the issuing of prohibition notices.

Steve Rock, head of Kent County Council Trading Standards, said: "The vast majority of business in Kent have adhered to the lockdown regulations.

"We have taken a proportionate approach to dealing with a small minority of businesses and served a small number of prohibition notices where appropriate."


The action taken against rogue operators comes as the lockdown is gradually eased, with more shops and businesses to be allowed to reopen from Monday.

Despite clear rules on what activity could and could not take place during the lockdown, some businesses appear to have taken a more relaxed approach to the regulations.

The text message exchange which saw an appointment for a haircut offered by Adam's Barbers in Maidstone's Week Street in contravention of coronavirus lockdown regulations

One town centre barber in Maidstone appeared happy to offer an appointment when contacted last month.

We approached around 20 barbershops and hairdressers in the town to see if bookings for a trim were available - and only one came back to arrange a time.

Adam's Barbers in Week Street responded to our telephone call by text message, and agreed an afternoon appointment for a cut.

When we called the telephone number listed for Adam's Barbers - the number which had offered the booking for a haircut - the owner denied ever accepting bookings during the lockdown.

We were told that work was taking place to fix issues with plumbing at the shop, and that the owner had been in Bournemouth since the start of the lockdown.

People were seen entering and leaving Adam's Barbers in Maidstone's Week Street on the afternoon an appointment was offered in breach of lockdown regulations

"When did I do that? I'm not even in Maidstone," he said.


"No, no, no. The landlord is fixing the water problem. I am the owner and I'm not even in Maidstone. I have got no idea what you're on about."

Most of the other barbershops and hairdressers we attempted to contact did not answer their business telephone. Others who did speak simply said they were unable to take bookings because of the lockdown regulations.

One salon owner spoke out after someone reported her to the council for 'working' in her salon - despite the fact she has been closed for almost three months.

Beth Middleton was left feeling angry after receiving a voicemail at her Hythe shop, Xtreme Hair and Beauty, threatening to report her to the council.

Listen to the voicemail left at the salon

The 22-year-old has since spoken to the council, with a member telling her no such report against them has been made.

A representative also visited the salon at Beth's request to witness that no work is taking place.

Beth said: "I was furious. It's the audacity of it.

"Even if we were working and she was going to report us, why go out her way to tell us she has reported us - you would let us get caught out without informing us if we were in the wrong."

To report a business in breach of the lockdown rules contact the Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 0808 223 1133

Read more: All the latest news from Kent

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