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Eleven arrested in crime blitz

MAIDSTONE and Malling police have hailed the success of a one-day blitz on crime and disorder. Operation Castle involved more than 40 officers in a day of high profile action.

Police personnel from five sections of the local force were involved in a variety of tasks, including road checks and foot patrols. Other agencies such as the Environment Agency, DVLA and Vehicle Inspectorate were also actively involved. As a result of the increased police presence, 11 arrests were made for various alleged offences. These included alleged handling stolen goods, drunk and disorderly conduct, drink driving and a number of motoring-related incidents.

Regular spot checks on cars in the area found 40 vehicles with expired or no road tax and 15 that were unroadworthy. The police offensive on illegal vehicles was mainly focused in St Peter's Street, Maidstone.

Ch Insp Mark Salisbury said: "The operation was a resounding success, an exercise in both crime disruption and public reassurance.

We hope that the public can see we are tackling crime in Maidstone and making a real effort to put men out on the street."

The police are planning to implement Operation Castle again in future. Mr Salisbury said: "It's a great way to disrupt criminal activities in the Maidstone area and there's no doubt that we will be using it again."

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