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A Kent property mogul says new government legislation doesn’t go far enough to punish rogue landlords who rent homes to illegal immigrants.
Under the crackdown, announced today, those letting houses without checking the residency status of tenants face up to five years in prison.
But Fergus Wilson, who has more than 1,000 homes in Maidstone and Ashford, says they should also have their property confiscated and be banned from being landlords.
The 66-year-old from Boughton Monchelsea, said that it was heart-breaking to see images of desperate migrants trying to get into the UK, but that landlords should abide by the rules.
He told KentOnline's sister paper the Kent Messenger: “I think it is right that landlords should work very closely for the border agency so I think it is a good idea.
"The checks our agents make already should show up if someone is an illegal immigrant, just like we do checks on money laundering so the mechanisms we have in place are sufficient.
"I think it is right that landlords should work very closely for the border agency..." - Fergus Wilson
“We are at full capacity so there is no incentive for us to put in illegal immigrants and we don’t come across them.
“However, in cases where you are dealing with a rogue agent you can’t really blame the landlord. And there are some people who just go underground unfortunately.
“I can only see the problem escalating.”
Landlords are required to check the residency status of those they let to before offering them an agreement. If they fail to do so, they face a penalty of up to £3,000 per adult tenant.
The new law will also enable landlords to evict illegal immigrants more quickly.
But the UK Association of Letting Agents has raised concerns about making housing professionals responsible for policing the UK's borders.
Communities Secretary Greg Clark, who is MP for Tunbridge Wells, said: “I think it is right to send a clear message to rogue landlords that are making money from exploiting immigrants and undermining the immigration system.
"That if you don’t have the right to be here then you shouldn’t be able to rent a property just the same as employers need to make checks before giving you a job unless you’re entitled to have one.”