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A school has clarified its uniform policy for girls after a number of parents were left with the impression pupils were being asked to 'cover up', something they believed sent out the wrong message.
Parents felt pupils from Valley Park School, in Maidstone, were being encouraged to wear leggings under skorts even in the summer so as not to distract male pupils and teachers.
But the school says this is simply not the case and it was never suggested that girls should cover up for those reasons.
One parent said: "Children are being told by male teachers: ‘If I can see your bum, I’ll call your mum.’
"Male teachers have also said they need girls to cover up because it's uncomfortable for them.
"With Ofsted's sexual harassment in school report in the news recently it makes this even more worrying.
"It’s the wrong message to send to our girls and I'm now considering removing my daughter from the school because of it."
But the school says there has been a misunderstanding as these changes have not been made and new letters were sent to parents.
It also says it has an open-door policy when it comes to any form of sexual harassment or discrimination.
Head teacher Margaret Hutchinson explained: "I would like to clarify that our students are not expected to wear tights or leggings under skorts for PE lessons in summer.
"During terms one to five, when students were attending school for full days in their PE kit (due to Covid-19 protective measures), students were asked to wear leggings under their skorts for comfort, as the weather was particularly cold.
"Now that students are changing into their PE kit for individual lessons, and the weather is much warmer, skorts can be worn alone.
"Our curriculum highlights the importance of treating both genders with respect and dignity, amongst other important messages around behaviour and modern-day society."
"As the uniform policy has not changed, a letter has been sent out to all parents and carers today to ensure that this information is clear.
"There have been no reports of inappropriate behaviour or sexual harassment regarding this issue and we have robust procedures and policies in place.
"We have not received any allegations about specific incidents of sexual harassment. However, we encourage an open culture of discussion around any form of sexual harassment or, indeed, any form of discrimination.
"Our curriculum highlights the importance of treating both genders with respect and dignity, amongst other important messages around behaviour and modern-day society."
Recently the school came under fire when a schoolgirl wasn't allowed to use the toilet despite starting her period.
She was secluded and put on report when she left the classroom in desperation.
The mother of the Year 10 pupil branded the school's toilet policy 'absolutely ridiculous'.
Staff stuck by the strict policy and explained each teacher can make an individual judgement.