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A Naked Attraction contestant who walked off set after seeing six naked women has appeared on another dating show.
It was third time unlucky for Brian Chau Rodriquez, 23, from Maidstone, when he starred in an online show called End Call, which aired on Thursday last week, only two days after he appeared on Channel 4's Naked Attraction.
Watch: Brian became overwhelmed after seeing six naked women
End Call, created by website VT, is a digital dating show, where one singleton picks between three people based on their responses to questions, without seeing what they look like.
At the end of each round one contestant has their zoom call ended but not before they turn their cameras on to get a glimpse of one another. Eventually one participant is chosen for a virtual date.
However, the end credit tells us, Brian and his chosen lady, Nikol from London, never met up in person and are no longer in contact.
The trained wine connoisseur also took part in an episode of ITV's Dress to Impress earlier this year, when he and three rivals competed to go on a date with a young woman by finding the perfect outfit.
But long before that, as a child Brian was seen on a Christmas episode of Basil Brush, filmed at Maidstone Studios.
He was so desperate to track down the TV special that he offered £50 for anyone who could help and after many years it finally came to light when the BBC got in touch.
A much publicised clip from Naked Attraction showed Brian needing to take a moment away from the cameras when faced with the bare bodies.
During the programme contestants whittle down six potential love interests, based solely on naked attraction.
After eliminating those in the group one by one, the contestant finally decides who they want to take on a date.
The classical pianist, who had no luck in the dating game before he went on Naked Attraction told Kent Online: "It was the moment the screens were lifted, it was euphoric moment. It's a moment where I grew up."
Brian went on a date with a woman called Georgie but love did not blossom.
The End Call episode can be viewed on Facebook, by searching VT.