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The health trust criticised in a damning report into deaths linked to C-diff is still looking for a new leader.
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust has been unable to appoint a permanent chairman since the scandal.
Now the salary offer is being doubled in the hope someone will come forward.
Despite going through three recruitment drives the trust has been unable to find a chairman to lead the board since James Lee stepped down in the wake of the damning C-diff report, published a year ago.
The role has been filled on an interim basis since November by George Jenkins, who is also chairman of neighbouring East Kent Hospitals NHS Trust.
The salary band for a chairman - a public appointment not a job - is set at £18,164 to £23,020, by the Department of Health.
But MTW’s new chairman will be in line for £44,000 a year for a four-year term. The salary is for three to three-and-a-half days a week spent on trust duties.
It is the first time a new power given to Health Secretary Alan Johnson, to vary chairmen payments, has been used, after he was made aware of problems faced by MTW and other trusts finding suitable candidates.
Sue Wright, a spokesman for the Appointments Commission, which handles public appointments to health trusts, said: “It is very important we appoint the right person to lead the board of MTW. We hope the increased remuneration will help us attract an inspirational and visionary leader who will gain the confidence of patients, the public and staff.”
The job specification says the successful candidate will have a proven record in changing the culture of organisations, ideally with some experience in customer service or patient-focused environment. The closing date for applications is Friday, November 7.