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KENT Cancer Care Network, which is responsible for ensuring a co-ordinated approach to patients and their care, is to establish a Patients' Forum. The forum will be a group of user representatives and local health workers interested in improving services for all people living with cancer.
Its role will include:
* Co-ordinating the views of people with cancer and their family and friends.
* Advising the NHS about cancer care in Kent from the user's point of view.
* Looking for opportunities to improve cancer services.
* Working with self-help groups
* Meeting regularly to discuss the needs of patients and carers.
* Informing the Kent Cancer Network.
The network stresses it will not be a support group or a fast track complaints system.A conference outlining the idea of the Patients' Forum and how people can be involved in the decision-making processes of the Kent Cancer Network is being held at the Tudor Park Hotel, Maidstone, on Saturday, October 13.
People wishing to receive a registration form or wanting further information should contact May Bullen, Director of Kent Cancer Nursing, The Kent Cancer Centre, Maidstone Hospital, Hermitage Lane, Maidstone, ME16 9QQ. Telephone 01622 225092.