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Opponents of plans to build 50 houses on Lilk Meadow in Bearsted are calling on friends and neighbours to sign an online petition ahead of the council’s decision on the application on Thursday.
Cara Lee Whyte of Protect Bearsted has set up the petition and is appealing through Facebook for support.
The petition states: "We the undersigned, friends of Bearsted, call on Maidstone council to decline the application for 50 homes on Lilk Meadow, a wetland and an area of natural beauty.”
To date 334 people have signed.
The application will be determined by members of the borough council’s planning committee on Thursday in a meeting in the Town Hall, starting at 6pm.
Another group of protesters, from the Bearsted and Thurnham Society, is already planning to picket the Town Hall from 5.30pm.
To sign the petition, visit