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Two arrests after stabbing in Southfields Way, Harrietsham

A murder investigation has been launched after a man was fatally stabbed.

Police were called to Southfields Way, Harrietsham, at around 1.30am (Tuesday).

Police in Southfields Way, Harrietsham, after a man was fatally stabbed
Police in Southfields Way, Harrietsham, after a man was fatally stabbed

Officers and members of the ambulance service attended and the victim, a man in his 20s, was taken to hospital where he later died.

A spokesman for Kent Police confirmed a police cordon put up at Maidstone Hospital this morning was linked to the incident.

There was also a cordon in place near the scene of the attack. Seven police cars, a forensic van and search and marine unit vehicle are parked in Southfields Way while officers, including sniffer dogs, search a grass area at the end of the road.

Police in Southfields Way, Harrietsham, after a man was fatally stabbed
Police in Southfields Way, Harrietsham, after a man was fatally stabbed

One resident of Southfields way said: “Everybody is so pleasant here and keeps themselves to themselves.

“I did not expect this on our doorstep. Something like this never happens here.

“I’d heard arguing and shouting outside but then I went to bed and fell fast asleep - this was around 1am.”

Another man of Mills Court said: “You never expect it to happen outside your front door.

A lady of Mills court said: “It’s heartbreaking to hear that a man has died.”

Police and forensic teams at the scene in Southfields Way
Police and forensic teams at the scene in Southfields Way

A mother-of-two said it has made her nervous about letting her children out to play in the area.

She said: “It’s made me feel anxious. It goes to show it doesn’t matter where you live you never know what kind of people live around you now.

“I will be looking to move now as it doesn’t feel safe.

“My kids woke up in the night. It’s really scary because the kids play outside - it’s usually really nice around here.

“We all thought it was a nice family area. I’d never even seen a police car here before.

Police officers were seen searching a field near Southfields Way
Police officers were seen searching a field near Southfields Way
A play park next to the area cordoned off as part of a murder investigation in Southfields Way
A play park next to the area cordoned off as part of a murder investigation in Southfields Way

Other residents KentOnline spoke to said the police presence outside their doorstep had come as a shock.

At around 4.15pm today (July 2), officers who had been searching the field reduced the cordon to allow public access back on the green space behind Southfields Way.

At this point, two police vans left the scene. There is still a heavy police presence with many vehicles from the force stationed around Matthews Avenue, Mills Court and Southfields Way.

A man and a woman, who are known to the victim, have been arrested and taken into custody.

An investigation is being led by the Kent and Essex Serious Crime Directorates.

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