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A trio of entrepreneurs hopes to take the social networking world by storm with their website, which claims to ensure that everyone logging on is exactly who they say they are.
In a bid to address the problems of unsavoury activity on the web, such as online bullying and paedophiles and other criminals chatting to youngsters while posing as teenagers, Maidstone trio Derek Cox, Tony Gee and Betty Taylor have launched
Mr Cox, 39, said: “Too many occasions have come to light about abuse online and the lack of respect for the online community users – paedophiles, criminal activity etc. Everyone appeared to have an 'enough is enough’ attitude but no-one was prepared to do anything about it, until now.”
Like other social networking sites offers services such as video uploads, music, events, clubs and classified chat. However, everyone who joins is forced to go through a registration process aimed at making sure that with each member, what you see is the truth.
Mr Cox, who has a background in youth work including work with young offenders, said he and his colleagues were hot on stamping out any abuse that might materialise.
He said: “The account is immediately suspended pending investigation. If any member is found to break the IndiehooD code of trust the ex-member is named and shamed for all to see. Any illegal activity is reported to the authorities and we will co-operate with any prosecution.”
The birth of involved about 12 months of research, including finding the best secure software to deal with the high volume of online traffic.
Mr Cox said: “We wanted to provide a secure and safe environment in which people can communicate effectively, without fear of bullying and now we want to see IndiehooD established as a force to be reckoned with.”