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Stones begin Vase glory trail

MAIDSTONE United boss Jim Ward is calling on those players who have tasted FA Carlsberg Vase glory to lead the team to victory on Sunday.

Stones entertain Oxfordshire side Carterton Town at Central Park in Sitting-bourne (kick-off 1pm) in the first qualifying round.

Although this is new territory for Stones' chairman Paul Bowden-Brown and the club's supporters, Ward and many of his squad can boast an impressive track record in the competition.

Maidstone keeper Craig Tucker, Jamie Kempster, Jason Ash and Paul Ribbens were all in the Deal team that won the FA Vase at Wembley in 2000, while Ian Court and Paul Foley reached the later stages with Ward at Ramsgate.

The match represents another huge milestone for the reformed Maidstone who will be playing in a national FA competition for the first time in 10 years, and Ward cannot wait.

"This is a massive game for me, the club and the supporters and the players who went all the way before know what they can get out of a run in the Vase and how it can raise the profile of a club nationally," he said.

Maidstone organised a squad training match at Central Park on Tuesday to give new signings Dave Arter and Steve Robinson match practice and both will figure in Sunday's game. The only doubt for Stones is record signing Steve Jones who is struggling to recover from an enlarged disc in his back.

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