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Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council has taken the unusual step of calling a special meeting to discuss proposals in a neighbouring authority's Local Plan.
Tunbridge Wells has put forward a draft Local Plan that includes the creation of a "garden village" of 2,800 homes in Tudeley - with proposals for a further 4,000 homes in a ring around Paddock Wood - of which 1,500 also fall within the parish of Capel.
But Tonbridge and Malling councillors fear the plans could have spill-over effects on their own borough which borders the area.
The Planning and Transportation Advisory Board of Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council will hold a special meeting to address concerns on Wednesday, October 2, at the council offices in Gibson Drive, Kings Hill.
Cllr David Lettington, the cabinet member for strategic planning and infrastructure, said: “Councillors in Tonbridge and neighbouring villages understandably have concerns about the impact of this development on infrastructure in the area.
"It is important that they are able to have their say to ensure that our council's response reflects their concerns. That’s why I have asked that this extraordinary meeting be convened to discuss this.
“Of course, the proposals lie in Tunbridge Wells Borough and it will be for them to determine whether to proceed with this plan. However, as part of the consultation we will be responding in a forthright manner to make clear our issues with the proposals.”
The meeting and is open to the public.
Farah Brooks-Johnson, speaking for the Save Capel Campaign, said: "Of course we are delighted that Tonbridge and Malling members are getting involved.
"We have kept them informed of our concerns from the beginning and several members of our campaign actually live in the borough of Tonbridge and Malling.
"We know that some Tonbridge and Malling councillors will be attending our public meeting on Wednesday, September 18 at The Schools at Sommerhill, in Tonbridge, at 7pm, where they will be very welcome - as is everybody!"
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