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The owners of a comic book shop have announced it is closing its doors as more than three decades as they look to retire and “do their own thing”.
Gillingham’s hopes of having Armani Little back for next week’s game at Bromley have been set back.
Police, ambulance services and the coastguard have been called to concerns for a man’s welfare.
A new space will provide shelter for 30 young people while teaching them life skills from budgeting to cooking.
A big win last Saturday for the Invicta Dynamos didn’t lead to the desired performance the following day - much to the head coach’s frustration.
Chatham Town’s big weekend win extended their unbeaten run in the league to eight games.
Trish Bailey’s been preparing hard for her second amateur boxing bout and believes the sport has transformed her mental health.
A long-standing and popular landlord, who ran numerous pubs in his 35 years in the licensing trade, has died.
Drivers faced delays this evening following a crash between a gritter lorry and a car.
People are being asked for their views on a proposed development of 800 homes which would include road improvements at a traffic hotspot.
Tributes have been paid to a former editor who trained hundreds of journalists, including some who went on to national success.
The best of the best have been praised at this year’s Medway Business Awards.
A Kent council’s social housing stock has been rated by the government in the first inspection of its kind.
Neighbours have reported being woken up by a ‘loud pop’ and sirens as emergency services attended a fire near a railway station.
Gillingham manager Mark Bonner’s hinted at making changes in January.
Robert Caswell produced the dominant performance he’d been looking for to beat Kasey Bradnum last weekend and can now focus on an exciting 2025.
Rochester United’s manager got the reaction he was looking for last weekend - even if their game at Lydd Town failed to finish.
A veteran Second World War pilot, who was honoured for his bravery, is to visit an aircraft preservation workshop where vintage craft are repaired.
A teenage boy played a game of chess with hospital staff during a foot operation as part of a pioneering new initiative to ease anxiety.
A man reportedly had his gold chain stolen after a woman “unexpectedly hugged” him as part of a distraction theft.