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Midfielder Mark Byrne says Gills suffered from stage fright at the weekend.
A pub landlord accused of assaulting a reveller as he broke up a disturbance has been acquitted by a jury.
A powerful documentary featuring the murder of Gillingham teenager, Kyle Yule is featured on Channel 4 this evening.
WARNING: GRAPHIC VIDEO. A mum was shocked to come face to face with a severed fox head on a zebra crossing.
A review has concluded ineffective procedures led to missed opportunities to stop abuse at a secure children's centre which featured in a BBC expose.
A final decision on a planned reorganisation of stroke services in Kent will be made next month, it has been confirmed.
You'll find the scores from Sunday's matches in the Medway Messenger Youth League here.
Ten of the best Ady Kerry images from Saturday's clash against the Saddlers.
Gills boss Steve Lovell says strong minds are required after 'terrible' defeat.
The wife of a long-serving councillor who died suddenly has recalled his humour.
Emergency services treat a woman's leg injury after a two vehicle crash.
Gillingham boss Steve Lovell admitted his players looked ‘scared stiff’ in their match against Walsall.
A long-standing councillor who had a "unique gift of being able to put everyone he met at their ease" has died after suffering a stroke.
Gillingham were left empty-handed after a disappointing home showing against Walsall.
A bar boss went out to break up a disturbance and ended up grabbing a man by the throat and dropping him on the ground, a court heard.
A man has been charged for drunk driving after his car crashed into a broken down vehicle on a dual carriageway.
Three men have been detained pending removal from the UK after Home Office officials swooped on an Indian restaurant.
Two fire crews have extinguished a blaze in a business' storeroom.
A senior politician has visited a wellbeing centre and lent her support to a campaign to save it.
Fresh from her star run on I'm A Celebrity, singer Fleur East has appeared on kmfm this afternoon.
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