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Wigmore paperboy saves 89-year-old who was stuck in Hempstead home for days after fall

By: Megan Carr

Published: 06:00, 22 March 2021

Updated: 14:47, 23 March 2021

A paperboy saved a 89-year-old woman's life after noticing her delivery had not been collected.

Liam Apps, from Melody Close in Wigmore, was completing his round in Hempstead when he noticed the papers at her house hadn't been collected from the doormat for a couple of days.

Liam Apps speaking about his quick thinking which led to the discovery of an injured 89-year-old

The 15-year-old was worried about her so went back to her house with his mum after he finished school.

Along with a couple of neighbours, they broke into the property and found the woman lying inside with a bad leg injury.


She is now recovering in hospital.

The Howard School pupil said: "When I was on my paper round before school I got to the door and saw that the papers from the last three days were stacked up on her doormat.

Liam Apps, 15

"I didn't really think anything of it but after school I asked mum if we could check.

"We asked her neighbours for help and then went round the back of the house and knocked on the window.

"At first we had no response but then there was a voice that shouted they couldn't get off the floor."

Liam dialled 999 and asked for an ambulance whilst his mum, Katie, and the neighbours broke down the back door.

He added: "At first we couldn't see where she was but after going inside we saw her laying down in the corner.

Liam and his mum, Katie Pollitt, helped rescue a 94-year-old that had fallen over in her home

"It looked like she'd fallen over, she had a big cut on her leg and although I couldn't see any other injuries she had a pressure sore on her back because she'd been laying down at an angle for a couple of days."


He explained that there were lots of blood stains on the carpet.

Liam said: "It didn't look fresh, it looked like it had been a couple of days.

"The elderly lady said it hadn't been night time while she had been on the floor which I thought was strange, but, she was probably confused and dehydrated.

"I had a call from the paramedics and they told me that she is still in hospital and doing okay which is good to hear."

"I'm really proud, he's shown himself to be quite thoughtful."

Since 2019 Liam has been delivering papers to the woman on a daily basis.

However, the last time he spoke to her was just before Christmas when she gave him a tip.

He added: "I feel good that I helped because if I thought nothing of it then she would probably still be there."

His mum, Katie Pollitt, said: "I'm really proud, he's shown himself to be quite thoughtful.

"When we got there I thought the situation was going to be worse but it was a pleasant outcome. I'm thankful for the neighbours' help."

The elderly lady gave her rescuers permission to break down her door however a GoFundMe page has now been set up to pay for repairs.

Katie added: "The door is going to be fixed and the GoFundMe page will raise the money for that.

"Also, this lady's house was pristine and her carpets were quite blood stained so we'd like to get her carpets cleaned and maybe get her some flowers for her to come home to."

If you would like to donate and help buy a new door for the 89-year-old click here.

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