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Rochester mum's fears for baby daughter's health after mouldy flat issues 'ignored' for 14 months

By: Ben Austin

Published: 05:00, 19 December 2022

Updated: 13:51, 19 December 2022

A mum says she fears for the long-term health issues of her baby daughter and accused a housing company of ignoring mould issues in her flat for 14 months.

Chelsea Hazelwood said the issue with the black fungus was reported to mhs homes three weeks after moving into her ground floor flat in Association Walk, Rochester last October but the cause never been investigated.

Chelsea Hazelwood found the mould after removing the bottom cabinet panel. Picture: Chelsea Hazelwood

Both she and her partner, who wished to not be named, were constantly raising the issue and even highlighted she was pregnant at the time with their now five-month-old daughter Isabelle but nothing was done about it until November this year.

She said: "Two days before it was announced about the child who died from mould exposure someone came round to wipe the mould away.

"I don't understand why it took them 14 months just to wipe it off."


In November, an inquest was conducted into the death of two-year Awaab Ishak finding the cause of the toddler's death to be prolonged exposure to mould in his family's flat in Rochdale.

Chelsea said nothing was done to locate the source of the outbreak having been told workers were only instructed to wipe up the fungus.

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Mould spotted in the cabinet of the Rochester flat. Picture: Chelsea Hazelwood

But three days later, the 27-year-old discovered mould covering the wall behind the affected cabinets after looking for the source of a draught blowing through the kitchen.

She said: "If they had investigated the mould initially they would have seen all of it behind the cabinet.

"I am worried about the long-term effects it will have on my daughter and my partner."

Isabelle had suffered from bronchitis two months prior to the mould's discovery but this was not confirmed to have been the cause of the illness.

The new mother is currently on maternity leave but works from home for a travel insurance company and uses the kitchen as her workspace.

The mould growing behind the cabinet in the kitchen. Picture: Chelsea Hazelwood
The mould growing behind the cabinet in the kitchen. Picture: Chelsea Hazelwood

Her partner suffers from asthma and Chelsea said he has been waking up in the night constantly in coughing fits lasting between 30 minutes to two hours.


The couple have been sleeping in the room neighbouring the kitchen as they say the bedroom is being used for storage.

Unlike other flats in the building, they do not have a radiator in their kitchen to warm the room and prevent water vapour building up and would have to open the window the air out the room.

Chelsea said: "Where the radiator should be it has been replaced with the cabinets.

"The only way to air out our kitchen is by opening our windows but in this weather that's not an option."

The mould growing behind the cabinet in the kitchen. Picture: Chelsea Hazelwood

As it stands the young family will have to live with the mould issue until after Christmas as they were initially given an inspection date in January but it has since been pushed forward to December 29.

Gemma Hancock, executive director for assets and development at mhs homes, said: “We are aware of the damp and mould issue raised and have recently completed works with aim of resolving this.

"We continue to work closely with the customer to determine if any additional work is required.

"An urgent inspection will be carried out to check whether a radiator can be installed.

"We take all reports of damp and mould very seriously to ensure that all residents live in a safe and healthy home.”

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