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Man tried to poison friend after she didn't buy him birthday present

By: KentOnline reporter

Published: 19:21, 26 July 2020

Updated: 19:30, 26 July 2020

By Hattie Bishop

A charity shop worker has told how her friend poisoned her by lacing her coffee - because she failed to buy him a birthday present.

Denise Smith, 66, from Chatham, started suffering from dizziness, confusion and extreme fatigue after Christopher Connolly, 29, moved in with her.

Denise Smith started suffering from dizziness, confusion and extreme fatigue. Picture: SWNS

Unbeknown to her, he was lacing her Canderel sweetener with a crushed-up concoction of painkillers, antidepressants and pills for anxiety and sleep disorders.

She became so ill that Connolly eventually called the police to confess after thinking he had killed her.


Denise was rushed to Medway Maritime Hospital and spent two days recovering - but still suffers from memory loss and insomnia.

Connolly pleaded guilty to attempting to cause grievous bodily harm with intent at Maidstone Crown Court and was jailed for four years in April.

The court heard how he became vengeful after she failed to buy him the PlayStation game he wanted for his 28th birthday.

Christopher Connolly eventually called the police to confess. Picture: SWNS

Speaking about her ordeal for the first time, Denise said: ''Christopher took advantage of me in the worst way possible.

''He was a lost young man - all I ever tried to do was help him out.

''His excuse for poisoning me was that I couldn't afford to get him the birthday present that he wanted.

''His revenge was to drug my coffee, knowing I have at least 10 cups a day.


''I was in a permanent state of groggy confusion for the weeks he was drugging me, it got worse and worse until I was bedbound.

Denise Smith became so ill that Connelly thought he had killed her. Picture: SWNS

''He kept saying I wasn't to worry as he was there to take care of me.

"But he could have killed me.

''My memory is damaged now for life, I have insomnia and dreadful flashbacks.

''It makes me sick to think of what he did to me. He was supposed to be my best friend.''

Denise and Connolly first crossed paths after becoming neighbours in Chatham in 2014.

Christopher Connolly helped Denise look after her dog. Picture: SWNS

Unemployed Connolly volunteered to mind Denise's dog - a Staffie called Mollie - while she was at work in a local charity shop.

The pair became close - with Denise regularly cooking healthy meals for the young man who she says seemed 'lost' and 'like he needed nurturing'.

But things changed when Denise was unable to buy Connolly a £50 present for his 28th birthday on December 21, 2018.

''Christopher sulked for weeks after I'd told him I couldn't afford the game,'' she said.

''I thought it was ridiculous, but as he wasn't on good terms with his family I did feel a bit sorry for him as I knew he wouldn't most likely get much at all.

''I felt so grateful to have such a good friend, I really thought he was looking after me.''

'I had also invited him around to mine for Christmas that year. I stocked up the fridge with all our favourite foods and even let him stay around at my flat for a few days.''

On December 21, 2018 Connolly began spiking Denise's coffee with a mixture of crushed painkillers, antidepressants and pills for anxiety and sleep disorders.

When she questioned the taste he suggested topping it up with 'a festive' Baileys - which he knew to be her favourite Christmas tipple.

Over the next few weeks he continued lacing her coffees and watched as she got weaker, more confused and eventually became bedbound.

She said: '''My memory started to go.

Christopher Connolly's police mugshot. Picture: Kent Police

''On Christmas Day I could hardly get out of bed but I did manage it.

''The rest of the week was a blur, I don't remember New Year at all.

''By the 2nd I couldn't get out of bed, I couldn't take Mollie for a walk and of course Christopher offered to help out.

''I felt so grateful to have such a good friend, I really thought he was looking after me.''

On January 3, 2019, Connolly visited Denise to walk Mollie, leaving her flat around 8pm.

''I felt really sad for our friendship, I also felt quite angry"

Connolly then used a payphone to ring 999 - telling the operator he thought he had 'murdered' his friend.

Police arrested him and went to Denise's home where they had to wake her from a 'drowsy' state.

Doctors said the cocktail of up to 11 drugs had put her at risk of 'severe adverse effects and death'.

Last October, Connolly appeared before Maidstone Crown Court and admitted attempting to cause grievous bodily harm with intent - he was later jailed for four years.

He was said to be suffering from an emotionally unstable personality disorder and autism.

Denise said: '''I just couldn't believe that Christopher would do that to me. I felt really sad for our friendship, I also felt quite angry.

''I really don't think he got long enough of a sentence, he'll be out before you know it.

'''It is absolutely scary what could have happened. He might have come back and finished me off.''

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