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Developers eye woodland off Impton Lane, Walderslade for development

By: Katie May Nelson, local democracy reporter

Published: 13:54, 27 April 2020

Updated: 13:37, 28 April 2020

People are concerned about a developer's plans to build houses in woodland.

Planning permission has been sought to construct five houses on land off Impton Lane in Walderslade.

The woodland off Impton Lane, Walderslade. Picture: Jon Ramage

Under the plans, a path allowing people to access the woods would be converted into an access road from Impton Lane.

Planning permission has previously been sought to develop the land for a number of uses including a pub, a scout hall and a table tennis centre, none of which came to fruition.

Some residents have raised concerns they were not properly notified of the developer's intentions for the land, which is part privately-owned and part owned by Kent County Council.


These include Jon Ramage, who lives in nearby Podkin Wood.

Jon says a notice of the application went up by the site while people were in lockdown. This is supported by the time stamp attached to a photo of the notice dated Tuesday, April 7, posted on Maidstone council's planning portal.

Site map for the development off Impton Lane, Walderslade. Picture: ECE Planning

Jon believes it was only spotted when someone saw it on their daily exercise.

There are statutory requirements for local authorities to publicise certain kinds of development.

Depending on the type of development, that may include advertisement of the plans posted on a notice at the site, on the council's website, in the press, or by sending letters to neighbours.

Jon said: "They said they sent out hundreds of letters in the Impton Lane area and a couple of people said they got something.

"But they said there wasn't much about a meeting, and most people said they got nothing.


Jon and his neighbours shared the application on Facebook.

The site notice with time stamp

He said:"It was major; as soon as we put it on Facebook, there's been a huge number of letters of objection.

"It's a wooded meadow which people use for walking their dogs.

"In the summer, families take their children in to see the wildlife. The reason we need it there is because it blocks the sound coming from the M2 and Walderslade Woods Road.

"It's something we want to fight to keep."

There have been more than 60 comments posted on Maidstone council's planning portal.

An artist's impression of what the houses would look like. Picture: ECE Planning

Boxley Parish Council added a comment with no material objections.

The developers, Kitewood, says 140 leaflets were sent to households in the immediate vicinity and local councillors in February, and a consultation event was held on Tuesday, February 25.

When KentOnline contacted Kitewood, it claimed there had been approximately 40 residents who attended that briefing, however, documents submitted to the council from the firm's planning agents ECE Planning say there were 28 attendees and three feedback forms returned.

Kitewood said the council was responsible for posting the site notice, and it had been in contact with both Maidstone council and Boxley Parish Council for the past three years.

The company said it took public consultations very seriously, to hear people's feedback.

The path into the woodland off Impton Lane. Picture: Jon Ramage

It also said if the development got the go-ahead, it would not lead to a loss of the ancient woodland as the land earmarked for the development consists of surplus soil which was left over from the construction of Walderslade Woods Road in the 1970s.

The developers have drawn up plans to manage the woodland and have also stated money will be gifted to the parish council to be used to ensure residents can continue to enjoy the woods.

Boxley Parish Council says as well as the public meeting, which was advertised on their Facebook page and via their community alerts system, the developers also attended a meeting of their environment committee which members of the public were free to attend.

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