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Lukas Piatek, from Strood, on trial accused of raping drunk woman in car

By: Keith Hunt

Published: 08:00, 09 February 2017

Updated: 08:08, 09 February 2017

A man raped a heavily intoxicated woman after he drove off with her in the back of his car, a court heard.

Lukas Piatek had driven the young woman home, along with her mother, following her collapse outside Casino Rooms nightclub in Rochester.

But when they arrived the mother got out to let her daughter out of her side of the car - and was horrified to see 33-year-old Piatek reverse at speed and drive off, it was alleged.

The girl was injured outside the Casino Rooms.

Polish-born Piatek then parked and raped the woman in the back of his car, Maidstone Crown Court was told.

The woman, 20, said in evidence she had no memory of having sex that night.


Piatek claims consent.

Prosecutor Paul Valder said the woman had been out with her parents and other family members in February 2015 to celebrate a birthday.

They went for a meal and visited bars. The alleged victim drank vodka, cocktails and shots.

The parents had a row and her father went home. The woman and her mother continued to drink.

In the early hours they went outside to get a taxi. There, the woman collapsed.

People gathered around and Piatek arranged for a friend to drive them. Piatek sat in the back with the two women.


When they arrived at the rear of Shozna he went into his flat there to get his car keys to drive the women home.

When they arrived the mother got out and Piatek drove off with the daughter slumped in the back of the car, Mr Valder told the jury.

The mother watched in shock before alerting her husband and calling 999.

"In her own words, she was out of it because she was drunk. Her next recollection is being in the back of a police car speaking to an officer and paramedic" - Prosecutor Paul Valder

The daughter could only recall being in the back of a car squashed up against a window. She thought Piatek kissed her.

“In her own words, she was out of it because she was drunk,” said Mr Valder.

“Her next recollection is being in the back of a police car speaking to an officer and paramedic.”

Police searched for the car and at 6am went to the car park at the rear of Shozna. Officers saw Piatek and the woman walking towards them.

Asked if she was okay, she replied: “I don’t know.” She gave the same reply when asked what she had been doing in the car.

Piatek protested he had done nothing wrong. He claimed the woman had told him to drive off after her mother got out of the car.

He continued that he suggested they went to his flat but she wanted to stay in the car. He said she undid his zip and performed a sex act on him.

Piatek claimed the woman asked him to have intercourse with her and he did so. He did not use a condom. He described her as “a sexaholic”.

He added that footprints would be found on the ceiling of the car because she kept her shoes on. He denied she was “staggering around drunk”.

Mr Valder said the woman had abrasions to her private parts. Tests showed she was more than twice the legal limit for driving.

The case was heard at Maidstone Crown Court

The woman said in evidence she had drunk “quite a lot” and was “pretty merry”.

She remembered being in the back of a car “squished up” against a window with her mum and a man and vaguely recalled being kissed.

“I didn’t recognise him,” she said. “I don’t recall any conversation I had with him. I remember him being quite tanned, having a stubbly face and smelling really strong of cologne.

“He was squashing me against the window in the back of the car. I was incoherent.”

The woman said she was wearing shorts and a top in one with a zip up the back and would have to take the whole outfit off when going to the toilet.

"I didn't recognise him. I don't recall any conversation I had with him... He was squashing me against the window in the back of the car. I was incoherent" - the alleged victim

“The next thing I remember is being in the back of a police car in a car park with paramedics who put a foil blanket around me,” she said.

“There is a gap between being in the car with the man and being in the police car. A lady was talking to me trying to explain where I was."

The woman said she often went out with her friends and got drunk, but not to the point of completely blacking out.

Questioned by Michael Haynes, defending, she said she did not remember falling over outside the nightclub.

Mr Haynes suggested the woman was being amorous with Piatek, they were kissing and she performed a sex act on him.

“You were encouraging him to have sex,” he said. “You removed your clothing. While having sex in the back seat you had your feet on the roof of the car. You left marks there.

“After that you were feeling cold. He went and got a blanket for both of you. You both fell asleep. When the police came at 6am he said he needed to go to the loo.

“That’s when you both got out of the car.”

The woman replied: “I don’t remember. I just remember being in the police car. I was confused. I didn’t know what was going on.”

Asked why she did not push Piatek off when he kissed her, she said: “I was probably too drunk. I have no recollection of any physical contact with him in the back of the car.”

Piatek, of High Street, Strood, denies rape and kidnap.

He was remanded in custody after being convicted of both charges and will be sentenced tomorrow.

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