Medway teenager jailed for raping 8-year-old boy
Published: 00:01, 02 July 2015
A teenager has been locked up for four years for the “horrendous” rape of an eight-year-old boy.
A judge passed an extended sentence on the boy, aged 16, after deciding he was a “real and present” danger to the public.
The teenager, from Medway, will have to serve two thirds of the sentence before he can be considered for release and will then be on licence for a further four years.
Maidstone Crown Court heard the youth, who cannot be identified for legal reasons was aged 14 when he committed two rapes on the victim.
“I am not prepared to put the public at risk... I am satisfied this is a case for not only a sentence of some length, but for an extension of licence” - Judge Carroll
Judge Michael Carroll said there was an element of abduction after the boy refused to go to a field and some violence was used.
He was dragged by his trouser pocket towards an alleyway where the offences were committed.
John Barker, defending, said the two admitted rapes were part of the same incident.
“Of course, one accepts the offences are horrendous, as this is going to have an impact,” said Mr Barker. “He makes no excuses for his offending.
“He said: ‘I did to him what was done to me.’ It was not an attempt to justify what he had done.”
The teenager was brought up in appalling circumstances and was “in a very bad place” when he committed the rapes.
“He needs support - intervention,” said Mr Barker. “He plainly had problems because of his background.”
The lawyer said if there had been any suitable accommodation available he would have submitted the teenager would be better off receiving care in the community.
Passing a sentence of detention, Judge Carroll said of the victim: “I am satisfied there is psychological harm. I am satisfied he was particularly vulnerable due to his extreme age compared to your age.
“I am absolutely satisfied that although you have no convictions or findings of guilt, there is a significant risk of serious harm in future of this behaviour at your hands.
“I am not prepared to put the public at risk by ignoring it. I am satisfied this is a case for not only a sentence of some length, but for an extension of licence.”
The judge said if he had been dealing with an adult, the starting point for sentence would have been 12 years.
The teenager’s name will appear on the sex offenders’ register indefinitely.
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