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Chatham rapist who attacked sex worker at his flat in New Road jailed

By: Alex Langridge

Published: 16:22, 27 September 2024

Updated: 16:33, 27 September 2024

A violent rapist has been given two life sentences after brutally attacking a sex worker.

Thomas Mulroy forced the woman to perform sexual acts and told her she needed to "play the game" if she wanted to "walk out alive", a court heard.

Thomas Mulroy. Picture: Kent Police

The incident happened on March 27, 2021, after the defendant lured her to his flat in New Road, Chatham, to "kill time" before she started work for the night.

Prosecutor Viv Walters told Maidstone Crown Court at a sentencing hearing today, that while the victim was sitting in the flat the 56-year-old went to the toilet and returned wearing his boxers.

She said he then turned the music up on a speaker and closed the door, telling the woman: "If you want to walk out of here alive, you will play the game."


He then proceeded to attack her by punching her continuously, strangling her to the point she could not breathe and dragging her by her hair when she tried to escape, the court was told.

Mulroy is said to have called her a "whore" and told her he had just served 16 years in prison for murder while ordering her to perform two oral sex acts.

Ms Walters added: "She believed he was going to kill her.

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"There was violence and threats of violence. She was a particularly vulnerable victim and was picked for that purpose."

Following the 30-minute attack, Mulroy started crying, tried to apologise and asked the woman for a cuddle, the court heard.

It was then the victim was able to leave when her friend called and she said it was a client and she needed to go, Ms Walters said.

The woman and her friend then drove to the police station where she reported the incident and Mulroy was subsequently arrested.


At a trial in August last year, the defendant denied the charges against him and instead claimed the woman had become aggressive and attacked him.

Paul Jackson, defending, said Mulroy, who was on licence at the time of the incident for a previous life sentence, struggled with his mental health.

'This was a persistent, prolonged and brutal attack…'

He gave mitigating factors that he had a troubled upbringing and was living in the vicinity of drugs and sex workers.

However, Judge Robert Lazarus said they did little for Mulroy's situation.

Sentencing, he said: "This was a persistent, prolonged and brutal attack.

"She tried to resist and you started punching her and pulling her by her hair. The more she struggled the worse it got.

"She started screaming and tried to leave. At one stage she was on the floor and you continued punching her.

"You dragged her to the bed and placed yourself on top of her. You pushed her head up against the wall and strangled her.

He was sentenced at Maidstone Crown Court. Stock picture

"You strangled her again and she could not breathe. This lasted a long time and she started to black out. She felt she was getting near to the end.

"I am sure you did strangle her and there were two occasions of oral rape."

He continued by reading out parts of the victim impact statement. It read: "I felt like a piece of meat and really violated.

"I feel ashamed and embarrassed that I fell for it. I hate my existence now.

"I have resigned from life. I am a shell of the person I was. He has turned my life upside down and I do not think it will be the same.

‘The victim in this case has shown exceptional courage throughout proceedings, whilst assisting us to bring this abhorrent criminal to justice…’

"I know I could have died that night. It was a violent attack, it was a violent rape."

Mulroy, who did not attend the hearing, was handed two life sentences for two counts of rape and three years and six months for assault to be served concurrently.

He will serve a minimum term of nine years and three months.

Commenting after the sentencing, Detective Constable Jane Lowe, said: “The victim in this case has shown exceptional courage throughout proceedings, whilst assisting us to bring this abhorrent criminal to justice. The judge also commended her bravery.

“She was subjected to an appalling attack by a depraved and dangerous predator and our officers have been committed to providing her with the best possible support.

“Despite the irrefutable evidence against him, Mulroy chose to put the victim through the further ordeal of a trial and I am pleased he has now received a substantial prison sentence.

“I sincerely hope the victim can achieve some closure now this criminal is safely behind bars.”

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