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Gillingham paedophile jailed for breaching court order by downloading Snapchat and dating apps

A convicted paedophile who downloaded banned dating apps has been jailed.

Ian Collard was subjected to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order after he tried to engage in sexual activity with a young girl back in 2018.

Paedophile Ian Collard, 34, has been jailed for breaching a Sexual Harm Prevention Order. Picture: Kent Police
Paedophile Ian Collard, 34, has been jailed for breaching a Sexual Harm Prevention Order. Picture: Kent Police

As a result, the 34-year-old was banned from accessing the internet without informing the authorities and should have his devices inspected by officers when asked.

However, Collard, of Station Road, Gillingham, was found to have broke the terms of that court order after officers, during a routine search, discovered he was using Snapchat and using different aliases on various dating apps.

He was arrested on May 17 and charged the same day with with seven breaches of the SHPO and three breaches of the Sex Offenders’ Notification Requirements.

He pleaded guilty, and on Friday (March 14) at Maidstone Crown Court was sentenced to three years in prison.

PC Leona Valsler said: “Sexual Harm Prevention Orders are put in place so that vulnerable people can be protected from predatory behaviour by criminals such as Collard.

“Collard ignored the conditions placed upon him and persisted in attempting to use social media as a way to make contact with potential victims.

“I’m pleased he has received a custodial sentence and hope it serves as a reminder that our investigators - who regularly carry out checks on convicted offenders - will hunt down anyone who breaches legislation and will bring them before the courts to face justice.”

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