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A local authority is progressing with drawing up an action plan on how it will help tackle climate change.
Medway Council has already taken a number of measures to try to curb emissions in the Towns and the five-year plan will assess its own carbon footprint and set targets.
Part of the its actions have included setting up a cross-party Climate Change Member Advisory Group, which meets quarterly, and setting aside £100,000 – as announced in the council's budget meeting on Thursday, February 20 – which will go towards appointing a dedicated climate change officer.
Cabinet members were updated on the progress of the plans at a meeting yesterday.
Among the other measures, Medway is also talking to bus company Arriva and other providers to see how electric buses can be phased into routes in the Towns following a trial scheme in October. It is also conducting a review of grass verges, as decided in the last cabinet meeting in January, and working towards converting street lighting to LED.
Deputy leader Cllr Howard Doe (Con) said: "We can't just run around doing things off the top of our head. What we have got to do is base it on sound research and clear targets."
Leader Cllr Alan Jarrett (Con) said: "What this council is engaged in at the moment is some serious work and not posturing, and we see far too much posturing.
"What we need is positive actions leading to positive outcomes."
The action plan is expected to be finalised and presented to cabinet in November.
Earlier this week, KentOnline revealed a report into the impact of air pollution listed Chatham as one of the worst areas in the country for air quality.