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Rochester man jailed after sending threatening messages to ex-partner

A dad who bombarded his ex-wife with offensive and threatening emails has been told by a judge to "grow up" for the sake of their child.

Jilted Jonathan Trollope was warned he risked having no relationship with the youngster after abusing his former partner of 15 years in what was described as a "disgusting and criminal" way.

The case was heard at Maidstone Crown Court
The case was heard at Maidstone Crown Court

Maidstone Crown Court heard the 47-year-old was struggling to cope with the fact the child's mother had "moved on" in life and was in a new relationship when he sent a barrage of derogatory emails to her workplace.

Over the space of four days, he subjected her to repeated abuse and insults, which included branding her a "cheating w****", "evil b****" and "chavvy c***", accusing her of having "ruined" his life, and threatening that her current partner may "come to an unhappy ending".

Trollope's stalking campaign was also conducted when he was subject to two court orders, one of which meant he had a suspended jail term hanging over his head for similar behaviour.

In fact, it was within a day of mistakenly believing that his two-year restraining order had expired that Trollope sent the first of 17 emails to his ex-wife.

Prosecutor Laurence Imrie told the court that it was on October 25 last year that the victim was initially emailed by the defendant's father, with whom she had a good relationship, to ask when the ban on contact was due to expire.

But, on having replied 'October 24', she then began to receive emails from her former husband.

Mr Imrie said while it was accepted there may have been a misunderstanding as to the expiry date, it was later made clear that she had in fact meant October 2024.

Trollope, however, carried on regardless.

"There was clearly distress caused to the complainant…"

"She had blocked the defendant from most forms of contact but not from her work email address and thereafter she received emails from him," the prosecutor told the court.

"He sent 17 emails on October 25, 26 and 30, and November 4. The first was apologetic and relatively polite in tone but they then started to become increasingly abusive.

"In his second email, the defendant said 'You have surpassed the sl**ty, chavvy c*** status'. Another sentence read 'By the way, if you message my dad once more, I will not be responsible for my actions.'

"In the next, he called her a 'cheating w**** and fat b*****d c***'."

The court heard the emails continued, with Trollope instigating communication by referring to their child, only to then resort to the same "name-calling and hate-filled attitude", said Mr Imrie.

At one stage he apologised, before telling the woman what he was saying was out of "pure anger and frustration".

Trollope, of Glanville Road, Rochester, was arrested and gave a 'No comment' interview even when confronted by evidence of his emails.

However, he later pleaded guilty to breach of a restraining order, stalking, and breach of a 12-week prison sentence imposed in August 2022 but was suspended for two years.

"This was a persistent breach and not where there was just some contact but a breach where very unpleasant things were said, including potential threats of violence," added the prosecutor.

"There was clearly distress caused to the complainant."

“The attitude you demonstrated towards the mother of your child was disgusting and criminal…"

In a statement made to police and read at Trollope's sentencing hearing on Monday (June 17), his former wife detailed how she had been left feeling "shocked, stressed and worried" by his behaviour.

But in spite of her own fears, she magnanimously expressed her ongoing concern for her ex-husband, to whom she had been married for seven years, and his alcohol issues in particular.

"The fact I'm getting these emails shows me that Jonathan is more than likely still drinking, so I don't feel safe and I don't know what he is planning," she wrote.

"This is a completely different man to whom I was married...The situation is making me feel down, stressed and worried about what he is going to do, not just to me but to himself because he has hurt himself before.

"I don't want that for Jonathan....I need him to get help and to stop.

"He has never been a violent man but I don't know what state of mind he is going to be in."

The court heard that all but one of Trollope's four previous convictions related to harassment and breaches of non-molestation and restraining orders, and that none had been committed until after the break-up of his marriage.

Olivia English, defending, said a "sequence of very unfortunate events" triggered his offending, starting with his sister's death.

This led to Trollope's alcohol misuse which, in turn, had a negative impact on his mental health thus resulting in depression and contributing to his marriage breakdown.

However, Ms English said that while in custody he had made "a significant amount of progress" and that his letter to the court "spoke for itself".

"It demonstrates remorse and underlines the point perhaps that he has taken the time to reflect on his behaviour," she explained.

"He is very candid about what might be summarised as disappointment in himself as to how he reacted, that that is not acceptable, not something he wishes to carry on with in the future and very much wants to move away from."

On sentencing however, Judge Gareth Branston said that although Trollope had "worked hard" to address his problems, the only way to punish such an "abuse and breach of trust" was by immediate imprisonment.

Jailing him for a total of 16-and-a-half months, the judge said: "I spent many years sitting in the family court, dealing with the breakdown in relationships involving children and shared parenting.

"I have seen and think I understand the emotions and tensions that come from the break-up of relationships.

"But you need to grow up and take responsibility for your actions otherwise you will never have a relationship with your child.

"This behaviour is not only damaging to your former wife but it damages the prospect of any relationship with them.

"The attitude you demonstrated towards the mother of your child was disgusting and criminal."

Trollope, who has already served six-and-a-half months on remand, was also made subject to a six-year restraining order in respect of contact with his ex-partner and attending her home and workplace.

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