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Lives are being put at risk as an increasing number of drivers ignore the law on using a mobile phone while at the wheel.
That’s the message from the North Kent branch of the Motorcycle Action Group (MAG), who made sure drivers were left in no doubt over the dangers of texting while driving on Saturday in Rochester.
The bikers were at Rochester Bridge with giant mobile phones, placards and hooters - which they used to reprimand anyone they saw driving past while using a phone, including one van driver who was so distracted he went through a red light.
“We saw a few on the phone,” said Steve Mallett, North Kent representative of MAG. “The worst example was a Romanian van - the driver was texting and went through a red light.
“In two hours we must have seen about five people on the phone. There probably would have been more but the traffic was so heavy that people had to concentrate.
“We tooted anyone we saw using a mobile phones. Some people gave us a beep in support, so we gave them a toot too.
“We had pretty good feedback - especially from pedestrians going past. They were delighted we were doing it.”
The North Kent bikers say penalties for using a mobile phone while driving have failed to have an impact on the problem, which is putting more lives at risk than ever before, and are planning to hold further demonstrations in 2017.
“We’ve been aware of the dangers for ages but it’s getting worse,” said Mr Mallett. “You go along the motorway now and you know when you’re behind someone on their phone, because they slow down and move from lane to lane.
“I think people are getting casual about it. Although the penalties have gone up the police are so under funded they’re not there to pick up on it. There’s not enough police about, so people get away with it.”
“We’ve seen a lot about it in the press so we decided to take a stand - we’ve got to change attitudes so that using your phone while driving becomes as anti-social as drink driving.”