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Gillingham player facing jail after street brawl

GILLINGHAM Football Club striker Marlon King has been arrested on suspicion of attacking a policeman with a beer bottle. The player was detained in London following a brawl in Streatham.

It is alleged he attacked a plain clothes officer, leaving him with cuts to his head and suffering from concussion. The 21-year-old was arrested on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm and has been bailed to appear at a London police station later this month.

If charged and found guilty he faces the prospect of a prison sentence. The alleged attack happened in the early hours of Sunday, September 23, in Ardwell Road, in the centre of Streatham. King is alleged to have hit the police officer on the back of the head while he was speaking to a man who appeared to be urinating in the street.

King joined Gillingham for £250,000 from Third Division Barnet on June 28 last year.

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