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A 12-year-old girl managed to push a strange man away and flee after he tried to abduct her.
The child was approached by the man in the right side of the layby in Castle Road, Chatham, at around 3.30pm last Friday.
He attempted to take her by the arm, but she managed to push him away and run to safety.
The man then got back into his car and drove off towards Luton Road, and then up Constitution Hill.
He was around 5ft 4in tall and aged between 40 and 50.
He was wearing a tracksuit with a Nike tick, a silver skull earring and spoke with what seemed to be an Irish accent.
He also had a scratch on the back of his hand which had scabbed over.
Anyone with information or who thinks they may know the man is asked to call police on 01634 792209 quoting crime reference XY/001429/18, or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555111.