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MP Tracey Crouch took to Twitter to give a glimpse of her ongoing battle with breast cancer.
The representative for Chatham and Aylesford shared a photo of her chemotherapy session earlier today.
In the tweet, she said: "Just a reminder that we may be in lockdown but our health services remain open for business.
"Check your bits & bobbins and go see your GP if your worried."
She noticed a lump the size of 33 millimetres in her right breast in June and went to Kims private hospital, near Maidstone, the following day.
Ms Crouch was given a mammogram, ultrasound scan and biopsy the same day which confirmed her worst nightmare.
She had the lump removed on July 24, her birthday, and has since started treatment at Maidstone Hospital's oncology department.
She added: "I told them not to treat me any differently from any other chemo patient. There was a real community spirit and the nurses were wonderful. We keep in contact with our own WhatsApp group."
"When they said I would get tired, I just thought I am a politician with a four-year-old, I'm always tired."
Tracey is calling for the the screening age to be lowered from 50 to 40 and making more medical professionals aware of the increasing number of younger women developing the disease.
She has also encouraged other women to face up to a disease which claims the lives of 11,500 a year in the UK and not be "squeamish" about getting checked.