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Profound implications for world, says Kent MP

THREE of Kent's MPs have led the county's reaction to the sickening terrorist attack in America.

Gillingham's Paul Clark said: "It's an appalling situation and shocking to everyone witnessing the pictures which have come from America."

Medway MP Bob Marshall Andrews said: "It's going to have the most profound implications for world relations. It remains to be seen what the response of the US will be and this will have a very grave affect on global conflict."

Chatham and Aylesford MP Jonathan Shaw said: "Only time will tell what affect this will have upon the financial stability of the world economy but it will undoubtedly be felt on every level. I think that all free thinking democracies will support the words of President Bush that these people cannot be allowed to commit such heinous crimes."

Churches in Kent held prayer services for the victims of the massacre.

At St Mark's in Gillingham High Street, which opened its doors at 8pm last night, the vicar, Canon John Saunders, said: "We are holding prayers for the people in America, the emergency services who carried out the rescue work and the bereaved families. What happened out there was terrible. It was mindless.''

St Justus Church in The Tideway, Rochester, also held a special service. The Rev Paul Kerr said: "We have decided to pray not just for the bereaved but also to pray for the peace of the world.''

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