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People whose homes were flooded in May have been told they won’t be back until Christmas.
Bungalows in Nelson Terrace, Luton, were deluged in the terrible storms, made worse by a burst sewerage pipe.
Landlord Southern Housing Group is doing its best to get tenants back in as soon as possible, and is putting them up in temporary accommodation in the meantime.
But options are limited, and some have moved from one hotel to another up to five times already as places had already been booked months in advance by holidaymakers and business travellers.
One of those affected is 84-year-old Jill Reeves, who said: “This moving around is very stressful.
"We’ve still got another five months to go of this. I just can’t do it any more.”
Southern Housing Group spokesman Annie Hart said: “We understand how upsetting and unsettling this must be as many of our customers are either elderly or have disability issues.
“We are trying our utmost to find them suitable accommodation.”
The three friends will face another move in the next few weeks and have no idea where they will end up.
Southern Housing Group spokesman Annie Hart said: “We are extremely sorry for the disruption being experienced by our customers.
“At the time of the flooding, we cleared the water and made practical arrangements for the temporary rehousing of those affected.
“We are working very closely with our insurers to ensure the homes are reinstated as soon as possible, but the damage is extensive.
“We understand how upsetting and unsettling this must be as many of our customers are either elderly or have disability issues.
“We are trying our utmost to find them suitable permanent or temporary accommodation.
“In the short term, we have been using local hotels.
“This has meant some customers have had to be moved around because the hotels needed to honour pre-arranged bookings but we are trying to limit customers being disrupted wherever possible.
“We are in close contact with all our customers, and where necessary we are in contact with their families too.
“Contact includes discussing any costs incurred for things like taxi costs.”
Luton and Wayfield ward councillor Tristan Osborne (Lab) said: “We understand the residents have lost a lot of personal belongings and many did not have interior insurance.
“We’ve put them in contact with charities such as Age UK who have said they are able to support them and help replace any belongings they’ve lost.”
Councillor Howard Doe (Con), Medway Council’s portfolio holder for housing and community services, said: “I am entirely sympathetic to the residents of Nelson Terrace, and my heart goes out to the individuals and families experiencing distress and disruption as a result of the damage to their homes.
“I am pleased that Southern Housing has been so diligent in their responsibility to provide temporary accommodation, and can confirm that Medway Council’s Housing Team have responded to a request for assistance with a decant at Nelson Terrace.
“The request was made to Medway Council to seek help with six households, four of which require a flush floor shower.
“The council’s housing team has advised Southern Housing that we are, of course, willing to assist with accommodation if we have any suitable units vacant.
“In order to ensure the individual needs of the residents affected are met through the provision of suitable housing, the housing team has sought clarification on further details, such as the number of bedrooms required, whether the flush floor showers were essential, and moreover the specific type of property needed.
“As of yet we have not received any response from Southern Housing.”