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Store flooded with requests for gas masks

AN ARMY surplus store in Chatham has been flooded with callers asking for gas masks to protect them from possible terrorist attacks. Joy Shilleto, the owner of Sergeant's Mess in Church Street, said: "It's the same as it was in the Gulf War. People have heard all the stories about bin Laden having gas weapons and they are terrified of what he might do next."

With fundamentalists across the Middle East and the UK declaring that any attack on Afghanistan would lead to a jihad, or holy war, Government ministers have not ruled out the possibility of a biological attack on the UK.

Ms Shilleto said: "It's that fear of the unknown that scares people. They're not scared of bombs, but gas is so wide-ranging and can get you anywhere."

Amec, the official government surplus supplier, has denied requests from Sergeant's Mess for S6 and S10 gas masks, saying all models are being held back.

Len Shilleto, the joint owner of Sergeant's Mess, said: "WWe just can's get hold of the gas masks to sell them. Everybody has been asking about them, but we can't legally sell the current issue and the old ones are no use.

Meanwhile, HMS Kent, the county's adopted warship, has taken her place in the front line of the allied forces in the Gulf.

The frigate and its 167-strong company are preparing to play a key role in any allied assault on Afghanistan and bin Laden's training camps.

She was sent to the Gulf to enforce sanctions on Iraq, but she is now likely to join a growing British fleet, which includes the aircraft carrier HMS Illustrious.

Her role would be to protect HMS Illustrious and her seven jets and 12 helicopters.

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