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In a regular church column, Graham Hill, who is Local Church Leader at the Emmaus Christian Centre in Chatham, asks us to think about what a gift means to us – and check out the video of the Christmas story.
Our Jewish brothers and sisters are completing celebrating Hanukkah – a festival of giving thanks for a miracle when the oil in the Temple lamp was only sufficient for one day but continued for a further seven days when more oil became available.
Some of you may not have realised that the nine branched candlestick decoration you put in your window for Christmas comes from this festival. It is a tradition for children to receive small presents for each night of the festival.
Last week, on Radio 4 Today, the thought for the day was given by Chief Rabbi Mirvis describing Hanukkah, the festival of gifts. There are seven Hebrew words associated with our single word ‘gift’ which permeate aspects of their life. They are:
1. Blessing – good wish which costs nothing but means a good deal
2. Act of appreciative giving – not what is given, but doing the right thing, invariably perishable. A present that is presented to serve the needs of the present time, like Christmas presents.
3. Thoughtful gift – given on special occasions, something cherished and used well
4. Contribution to a worthy cause in response to an appeal – ennobling and uplifting the giver
5. An unsolicited contribution – when one is moved to actively contribute and mobilise generosity of others
6. Generational gift – treasured for many years
7. Bonding – investing time and talent, drawing people together in a profound way, potentially producing a transformative impact on their lives.
He then went on to give thanks for the gift of the vaccine, which is being distributed and able to save lives, that it will bring joy to so many lives.
As Christians we see that God’s greatest gift has been to send His one and only son to provide that opportunity for each of us to experience having that transformative impact on our lives. That through him our lives will be saved for eternity. That is why we celebrate the
birth of Jesus at Christmas.
This year may not be what we normally expect, or how we are able to enjoy this festival, a YouTube video from a couple of years ago, entitled "An Unexpected Christmas", might help you understand why the King of Kings arrived as he did and put into perspective our view of what Christmas is about. You can find it here.
So, as you sit unwrapping your presents, give a thought to these seven "gift" words and spare a thought for those who may not be so fortunate. Moreover, ask someone about how to receive God’s greatest gift.
Shalom peace be with you.
If you would like to find out more about Churches Together In Medway or what it means to become a Christian, contact the chairman, Pastor Stephen Bello on 01634 920491 or email