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A petition to keep a plaque commemorating the life of a well-known blackface minstrel has been launched a day after its removal was announced.
A thug left a random victim with several fractures in his face during an unprovoked alley attack before assaulting four police officers.
A council has launched an investigation after bailiffs sent an email by mistake to 330 households.
A man's body has been pulled from the sea and police say a report is to be prepared for a coroner.
Cases of coronavirus in Kent have jumped by 2,000 in a day - a rise of almost a third - here's why.
The owner of a hugely sentimental gold ring says he is overjoyed after a metal detectorist came to his aid when he lost it on the beach.
As schools plan for a full return to class in September, we've added a new section to our website to bring you the latest news and information.
Archbishop Justin Welby will be leading the first service at Canterbury Cathedral as it reopens with stringent social distancing measures in place.
Parents of a severely disabled girl have been handed a multi-million pound compensation package, nine years after she was starved of oxygen at birth.
A historian has been axed from his role at a university after claiming slavery was not genocide due to the survival of "so many damn blacks".
The county's first 'school street' is being launched which will ban traffic during pick-up and drop-off to keep pupils safe.
With the number of people gaining British citizenship slowly growing, many applicants this year feel left in limbo due to lockdown.
Music teachers feared the lockdown would destroy their trade, but online teaching has made it better than ever - here's why.
Fire crews, including four engines, have been sent to an incident after reports of a loud explosion.
Clap for Carers is set to return this week to celebrate the 72nd birthday of the NHS - but will you be taking part?
A football club hit with financial losses during the Covid19 pandemic have transformed their home ground into Kent's 'biggest beer garden'.
Residents have spoken out after fears overflowing communal bins could spread disease and even coronavirus.
Two coronavirus cases have been confirmed at a busy supermarket.
Dozens of volunteer PCs are on hand to patrol the streets on 'Super Saturday' as Boris Johnson gets ready to warn punters not to "overdo it".
It's been a real rollercoaster for the seaside amusement park but Dreamland has managed to make it to its 100th birthday.
Archive pictures look back at the opening of a Kent hospital as it marks its 90th birthday today.
A nurse who has worked at a Kent hospital for 45 years has told of her incredible career and the changes she has witnessed.
Bosses behind plans for a huge warehouse on an industrial estate are remaining tight-lipped over who will run the two-storey site.
Landlords and brewery bosses say many customers are chomping at the bit to finally be able to return to their much-loved boozers.
Landlords across the country are getting ready to welcome back thirsty punters, but will your local micropub be among them?
A grieving mum is calling for dogs to be kept on leads at a cemetery where her baby boy is buried.
A medic who 'demanded obedience' from his partner has been struck off to protect the public.
Four of the 91 restaurants to close after Casual Dining Group called in the administrators are in Kent
An 18-month trial to help decide the best way to tackle flooding is to be carried out by Kent County Council.
A two-storey John Lewis shop which has been shut since lockdown began may never reopen its doors.