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Rocker Pete Doherty has been arrested for a second time in Paris while out celebrating being released from custody.
A car crashed into several other vehicles and a wall amid claims it was being driven "recklessly".
The hunt is on for a parrot which can whistle the theme tune to a classic war film.
Thieves made off with a number of valuable items after seven cars were broken into.
Two homeless people are to go on trial charged with killing a man among the gravestones in a cemetery.
A smuggler caught importing what is believed to be the largest amount of lethal weapons into the UK has been sentenced.
A rogue driver who ran an unlicensed taxi business has been ordered to pay over £2,000 after being taken to court by a council.
A boy's new iPad given to him as a birthday present was stolen by a gang while he waited with friends to collect his order.
From cricket balls to raging blazes, Ashes hero Geraint Jones has stumped us all with his latest career change announcement.
Two people had to be checked over by paramedics after a fire caused by a candle.
An appeal has been launched after a dog was found in a ditch with its microchip removed.
Stores across the county face uncertain future as a nationwide firm holds emergency talks with landlords.
A nine-year-old whose kitten had to have his leg cut off is raising money for the charity which helped his moggy.
Police issue safety advice to homeowners after an attempted burglary which led to two men being charged.
Police have issued a warning as heavy rain has caused treacherous driving conditions across Kent.
Drivers suffered long delays after a four-car crash blocked part of a motorway.
A firm which runs activity camps and sessions for children of all ages is appealing for help to find a new home.
A 27-year-old woman has been jailed after being part of a gang that stole £5,000 of jewellery from a town centre store right under workers' noses.
A full planning application for an ambitious film and TV studio scheme has been submitted - including plans for a town's tallest building.
Firefighters had to climb up a steep bank to help a girl who had become stuck while taking a short cut from a path
Now is the time to get your chimney's swept, Kent Fire & Rescue say after a blaze broke out earlier today
A RuPaul Drag Race UK star is coming to a Kent town.
A man who had been arrested on suspicion of a vicious assault near a church has been released pending investigation
Police were called to a town centre street last night following reports of fireworks being thrown at passers-by.
Retired priest the Rev Colin Johnson told a congregation today that Remembrance Day should move to June. Here's why...
Tragic tale of Wilfred Honey who died while serving in the Second World War four days after his 21st birthday and never got to see his new-born son.
Two people have been arrested after a man died in a collision.
A New Year's celebration was blared out of the speakers by mistake at a remembrance service.
The former Casualty actor Gregory Forsyth-Foreman and his partner Kariss Rihoy have opened a new real ale bar in Westerham.
An supermarket has been branded "disgusting" after raw chicken was pictured open next to a fruit and veg stand.
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