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Detectives have arrested two men after two suspicious parcels were found to have been thrown over the wall of a prison.
People travelled from around the country and Europe to celebrate the life of a former KM Group editor, press officer and author.
A toddler seen wandering the streets alone has been reunited with his mother after police were called.
A pub's last landlord has called time after 18 years and blamed Brexit and business rates for the business' failure to stay afloat.
A car spun out of control and crashed into two others in a tunnel.
Contractors have started work on an £850,000 leisure complex near a town centre which only has a five-year lifespan.
Pop superstar Justin Bieber retweeted kmfm as the station gets ready to play his new single.
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn's is visiting Kent to launch his party's European election campaign - watch it live here.
A hand grenade fished out of the River Medway by an angler has been blown up by bomb disposal teams.
Channel crossings are being disrupted by striking port workers.
The M26 is partially blocked due to an accident involving two vehicles.
A disabled woman and her husband in their 70s have been living on the streets for five years.
A watchdog has criticised a council for fining a disabled man £75 for failing to prove his disability.
Jeremy Corbyn will launch the Labour manifesto for the European elections during a special visit to the county.
A woman tested for cancer was left waiting months for test results after hospital records went missing.
Hooded thieves have been caught on camera raiding an animal centre before fleeing with hundreds of pounds in donations.
A man in his 30s has been found dead in his home.
An investigation has been launched after a cleaner became stuck in a lift at her workplace.
Not everything is a bargain according to this cartoonist's latest sketch (but we reckon most things are if they come from this seaside Brocante).
People in Kent have been left horrified and disgusted by things found in their food over the years. Here are some of the worst.
Three lorries known to have illegally smuggled people into the UK have been stopped by police at the border.
A grammar school could take on more pupils when a 10,000 home development is built.
Gregg Wallace has found himself in the spotlight after posting a series of unusual comments on Instagram posts made by his wife.
The Tories have elected a new leader in a secret ballot who will take over the reins of the party and council.
Conservatives at a Kent council have formed an alliance with Ukip and Independent councillors, following last week's shock election.
A pensioner who went missing from her home has been found.
More people risk their lives on railway tracks in Swale than any other place in Kent, it has been revealed.
A high street will be closed to traffic for 10 weekends so developers can replace paving blocks with a new surface.
Vermin was discovered running along prison corridors at night in a jail branded "risky".
Kent ranks alongside northern Italy, Romania and Norway as a hotbed for blood-sucking ticks carrying Lyme disease, according to a new report.