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A speeding driver who seriously injured a jogging police officer when he hit him with his car has been jailed for more than two years.
Buskers are campaigning against tough rules which allow council officials to judge them like "a poor man's Simon Cowell" and destroy instruments.
A dad who sparked a house fire after plugging his e-cigarette into an iPhone charger has told how 'flames shot across the room' when it exploded.
A primary school sent a warning out to parents after a stranger reportedly approached two girls outside.
Just one day after Al Murray announced plans to fight Nigel Farage as the Pub Landlord he's revealed a new issue he wants to crack - creme eggs.
Rail users faced delays this morning after a lorry hit a bridge.
A teacher spared jail after an affair with a 16-year-old pupil will not have his sentence referred to the appeal court, it's been revealed.
A veteran MP who has represented Kent in parliament since 2001 is calling it a day at the general election.
An elderly man who escaped justice for more than 30 years has finally been locked up after being found guilty of child sex abuse.
Families in Kent's key flood areas - including Yalding - face an anxious day as the county is hit with eight official warnings.
A lesbian couple have slammed one of the UK’s biggest cinema chains after they were mistaken for men and kicked out of the ladies’ toilets.
The parents of a man jailed for his part in a murder say they have new hope of overturning his conviction.
A courageous cat named Bullet stunned security guards when he casually wandered past a police firing range and into a training centre.
A driver has been praised for his actions after a car overturned in a crash with a bus carrying 26 children.
A copy of the first edition of satirical magazine to be published since the Paris shootings has been re-listed on eBay after fake £100,000 offer.
A crash has claimed the life of a man in his 50s and police are appealing for witnesses.
Police have arrested two teens aged 14 and 18 following an "overwhelming response" to an appeal for information about two alleged robberies on trains.
A competitive tendering site is being used to place elderly people in residential care by KCC, KentOnline can reveal.
A backbench committee has told leaders to rethink its decision against carrying out a compulsory purchase of the airport.
A convicted child sex predator has been locked up for assaulting a little girl after a string of previous victims.
The first edition of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo printed since the Paris shootings has attracted huge bids on eBay for a Kent seller.
County councillors have backed a scheme to ease traffic congestion around a notorious town centre gyratory system.
A wreckage spotted in the Channel this morning is not from a vessel, an RNLI Lifeboat search has confirmed.
Motorists were caught up in gridlock around the A249 and M2 following an accident involving two cars.
An accident on the Thanet Way caused traffic problems this morning.
A joyrider put his life at risk when he tried to escape from police by running up a live railway track, a court heard.
An elderly man who was reported missing yesterday has turned up safe and well.
Aldi has submitted proposals for a huge distribution centre which could create 400 jobs.
A passenger was stopped by immigration officials after he tried to smuggle his wife into the country in a suitcase.
A small child narrowly avoided being injured by what was feared to be a bullet, which pierced and shattered the window next to her.
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