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Sing-song video passenger: 'Why I woke up the train'

Sing-song video passenger: 'Why I woke up the train'

A jolly reveller who led a silent group of train passengers into a riotous sing-along has explained why he livened up the late-night carriage.

Man taken to hospital after being knocked down by bus

Man taken to hospital after being knocked down by bus

A pedestrian has been taken to hospital after being hit by a bus in rush-hour traffic this morning.

Patients' records 'dumped by doctor'

Patients' records 'dumped by doctor'

A doctor dumped waste in a neighbour's bin... including patients' information and even phone numbers, a court heard.

Bouncers jailed for vicious attack on customers

Bouncers jailed for vicious attack on customers

Nightclub bouncers have been jailed for viciously attacking two customers, with one left with more than 50 stitches after being stabbed in the head.

Woman hit by train escapes with minor injuries

Woman hit by train escapes with minor injuries

A woman who was hit by a train escaped with only minor injuries, police have confirmed.

Anger at revelation knife thug had killed before

Anger at revelation knife thug had killed before

A judge has criticised the Latvian authorities for not revealing a man convicted of knifing a woman in the thigh has previously killed two people.

Gang jailed for 43 years for drugs conspiracy

Gang jailed for 43 years for drugs conspiracy

An undercover police operation uncovered a major drugs ring which involved kilo-sized cocaine bags being traded and a production line of drugs.

Hundreds say final farewell to brave cancer victim Reece

Hundreds say final farewell to brave cancer victim Reece

An inspirational 11-year-old who won hearts and minds across the world with his brave cancer battle has been laid to rest today.

Tackling our obesity timebomb

Tackling our obesity timebomb

A key summit is to be held in Kent to tackle the weighty issue of the area's growing obesity problem.

Probe launched after violent prison 'attack'

Probe launched after violent prison 'attack'

Police are investigating after a shocking video seems to show a prison inmate having his jaw broken in an attack.

Fizz goes out of Cheryl's fundraising

Fizz goes out of Cheryl's fundraising

It wasn't Happy Days for singer Cheryl Baker... after theatre bosses pulled the plug on her fundraising.

Judge collapses at court

Judge collapses at court

A trial was suddenly halted after a judge collapsed in the crown court and was taken to hospital.

Arson charge after pensioner rescued from flat fire

Arson charge after pensioner rescued from flat fire

A man is to appear in court charged with arson after a pensioner was trapped on the top floor of a building in a blaze.

'Lucky to be alive' after tree fall

'Lucky to be alive' after tree fall

A man who fell 15ft onto metal spikes, which narrowly missed his heart, has been reunited with the doctor who helped save his life.

Lorry driver watches film while driving for 20 miles on M20

Lorry driver watches film while driving for 20 miles on M20

A reckless HGV driver has been caught watching a film while swerving across the M20 for 20 miles.

'Tornadoes' spotted over Kent

'Tornadoes' spotted over Kent

Sky-spotters were stunned to see what appeared to be several twisters forming in the skies over Kent.

Ex-nurse stabbed young shop worker

Ex-nurse stabbed young shop worker

A former nurse plunged a knife into a 21-year-old shop assistant when he pounced on her at work.

Town centre M&S store set to close

Town centre M&S store set to close

Marks and Spencer bosses have announced plans to close a town centre branch employing more than 60 people.

Blaze breaks out behind shop

Blaze breaks out behind shop

Smoke billowed into the sky as fire crews battled a blaze behind a shop.

Doctors failed to spot pensioner's broken leg

Doctors failed to spot pensioner's broken leg

A pensioner was left walking on a broken leg for three months - because doctors dismissed it as an infection.

Man jailed for sexually grooming schoolgirls after break-up

Man jailed for sexually grooming schoolgirls after break-up

A man who secretly pursued two teenagers in "hideous corruption" of their childhoods is starting a jail sentence.

Pictures: Memorial for popular mum

Pictures: Memorial for popular mum

More than a hundred people gathered for a memorial service for young mum Jade Glen, who was found dead along with her unborn baby last Monday.

Grieving widow's tribute to M26 crash victim

Grieving widow's tribute to M26 crash victim

A heartbroken widow has told how she will always love her husband, who died two weeks after a crash which killed his two daughters.

The Kent Special Constabulary has been given prestigious award by Her Majesty the Queen

The Kent Special Constabulary has been given prestigious award by Her Majesty the Queen

The Kent Special Constabulary has been awarded the Queen's award for Voluntary Service in recognition of its service to residents in Kent.

Councillor dishes the dirt... on human poo request

Councillor dishes the dirt... on human poo request

A homeowner shocked a councillor... by calling him up to clear human poo from his front garden.

Medway's James Jordan won't be returning to Strictly this year

Medway's James Jordan won't be returning to Strictly this year

The BBC announced today that Gillingham-born Strictly pro James Jordan is leaving the show after eight years

Mum in agony after botched caesarean prescribed tea

Mum in agony after botched caesarean prescribed tea

A mother who almost died when her bowel was perforated during an emergency caesarean was told she had wind - and given peppermint tea.

Still sharing a cuddle every night after almost 80 years

Still sharing a cuddle every night after almost 80 years

A couple who have never rowed in eight decades have revealed the secrets to a long and happy marriage as they celebrate their 75th anniversary.

UKIP's Nigel Farage drops hint about Kent seat

UKIP's Nigel Farage drops hint about Kent seat

Fresh from his party's success at the Euro elections, UKIP leader Nigel Farage has said he may stand in Thanet South next year.

Sir Winston Churchill's daughter Lady Soames dies aged 91

Sir Winston Churchill's daughter Lady Soames dies aged 91

Westerham born Mary Soames, the last surviving child of Sir Winston Churchill, died at home yesterday following a short illness.

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