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A divorcee who harassed her former husband of 20 years ignored warnings from police to stop sending him ‘disconcerting’ emails.
A new mum forced into temporary accommodation 20 miles from friends and family fears for her baby’s safety.
Dog owners have had to get their pets ready for a nationwide ban of XL Bullys which comes into force next Sunday.
As Bluewater prepares itself for last-minute Christmas shoppers, we look at some of our favourite stores that have come and gone over the years.
We look back at the reckless motorists who found themselves in the dock this year for taking to the county’s roads while under the influence.
Bulldozers have begun demolition on one of the town’s last empty pubs as it prepares to turn into a cafe and flats.
A church will be knocked down to make way for a housing development despite neighbours’ concerns the area is “too heavily developed”.
Fears have been raised that parking outside a primary school will become more dangerous if charges are introduced on nearby streets.
Councils across Kent have announced changes to bin collections for this festive period.
A pub boarded up for more than a year after being at the centre of an animal welfare probe is set to reopen for business under new management
The family of a man murdered in a deadly ambush as he left a takeaway say they “will keep him in their hearts forever”.
There were 90-minute waiting times at the Port of Dover as travellers brace themselves for the busy Christmas getaway.
This Christmas pooches across the county are hoping for a new family, from loveable labradors to bouncy bulldogs.
A teenager believed to be the youngest landlady in Kent is preparing to spend her first Christmas behind the bar.
Has late-night Christmas shopping in Kent lost its sparkle? Our columnist wrestles with supporting shops while watching his bank balance.
A couple running one Kent’s last remaining market gardens fear the land could be sold for redevelopment.
Amid intense speculation the £2.5bn London Resort project is finally dead in the water, the company behind the scheme finally breaks its silence.
A college lecturer is unable to cook or visit family over Christmas because of a leak in her ceiling.
A homeless sex offender who groped a woman he was robbing at knifepoint died just four days after being released from prison.
Police have launched an appeal to help find nine pet ferrets which were stolen from a family just days before Christmas.
A 40-year-old man has been charged in connection with an investigation into a robbery at a store.
A furious woman told how water filled with leaves and feathers pump through her wrecked ceiling despite pleading with her landlord.
A site once home to a fire station could be given a new lease of life as a housing estate.
CCTV images of two men have been issued following a high street altercation, where a knife was reportedly seen.
The RSPCA is appealing for information after three tiny kittens were left by some bins in a residential area.
A judge had given the Home Office and KCCl one month to create a plan to deal with the number of asylum seeker children.
A theme park’s Christmas attraction has been branded “absolutely shocking” as families claim they were charged £25 to meet Santa.
A dual carriageway is blocked as a car has crashed into trees at the side of the road.
A man in his 20s has been arrested on suspicion of drink driving and causing serious injury after a child was hit by car.
The decision to cut youth services across Kent could stave off the prospect of the county's largest authority going to the wall, it has been claimed.
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