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A replacement £20 million leisure centre has come under fire just one year on amid claims of unsanitary conditions and dirty surfaces.
Touching tributes have been paid to a mum who cared for hundreds of hedgehogs across the county.
A town centre restaurant which specialises in small bites has announced its closure after battling “rising costs across the board”.
A popular burger joint which unexpectedly lost its home has found a new venue.
Four recycling centres in Kent could close as part of drastic cost-saving plans unveiled by council bosses.
A pub which was added to the Michelin guide less than four months ago has announced its closure, with the building up on the market
A popular fast food giant has unveiled plans to launch a new restaurant in a retail park – marking the third branch within a three-mile range.
A huge area of woodland in a Kent beauty spot has been put up for sale – sparking fears it will be snapped up by a housing developer.
A mum has told of her torment after her young son chewed on door frames in their council house and contracted lead poisoning.
A 23-year-old woman battling breast cancer – whose chemotherapy has attracted “stares” in the street – has urged people to speak up about the disease.
Eleven Kent beaches have been presented with Blue Flag awards - but activists believe they could become “brown flag” beaches.
An ancient 208-acre wood in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty is up for sale for the first time in 150 years.
A teenager accused of “damaging a number of cars” and committing a spate of other crimes has been charged.
Dramatic footage shows the moment a woman with a broken leg and no phone battery was found in woodland – more than eight hours after she went missing.
Police are appealing for witnesses to come forward after a teenage boy was stabbed and robbed near a sports centre.
A jealous barman has been sentenced for a ‘revenge attack’ on his pub landlord boss who he suspected was having an affair with his wife.
A man is due to appear in court charged with five counts of assault after members of the public were reportedly spat at and attacked.
Parents of children with special educational needs have been left outraged after a councillor claimed it was “in” to have a care plan.
A heartbroken family have paid tribute to a keen fisherman who was due to become a dad for the third time later this year.
Plans to build a new supermarket could face delays following calls by National Highways to resolve potential traffic and safety issues.
Residents say plans for a beach “housing estate” with huge blocks of flats will change their town forever – and question where people will park.
Sci-fi fans are in for a treat this weekend when the Marvel & DC Comic-Con returns to Kent with an expanded line-up.
A jealous barman has been found guilty of attempting to murder his former boss after accusing him of having an affair with his wife.
Hundreds of college students and staff were evacuated after a fire broke out on campus, sparking long delays in the area.
An air ambulance was spotted landing in a park this morning.
Former leader David Cameron famously urged his party to “stop banging on” about Brexit and immigration – but they show no signs of doing so.
There was a huge police response after a motorist was seen with a possible firearm on a motorway.
A historic village pub saved by its community is finally set to reopen after almost two years shut.
There is ongoing disruption to train travel this afternoon after a tree fell onto the tracks.
Plans to turn an empty high street shop into a lounge bar with all-day booze have been confirmed.
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