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A man in his 80s was sent tumbling down an escalator after a gang of teenagers pushed a trolley from the top.
Shocking figures obtained by KentOnline reveal as many as 1,500 bins across are being missed across the county each week.
Two phone friends, who have known each other for years but never met, have finally got together.
Plans to build a doctor's surgery are being axed – 25 years after they were originally approved.
Our readers give their takes on education, strikes and James Bond.
An overbooked restaurant that regularly has to turn customers away has launched a bid to expand into a former DIY shop.
The annual awards recognise the hard work of local charities, volunteers and trustees. Here’s how to submit your nominations.
Did a The Godfather-obsessed café make our reviewer an offer he couldn't refuse?
This is the moment a cowardly drug addict fled after hurling a rock through a pub window - leaving the landlady with serious head injuries.
An irate ice cream man has had a meltdown over council handling of his bid to pitch a vintage van at a harbour.
From who sold the most records to which tickets will leave you skint, we’ve done the maths on Kent’s biggest summer festivals and gigs
Two men who headed a drugs gang have been jailed after a £1.6 million drugs bust in Kent was linked to them.
Mothers with their babies and mums-to-be have joined forces for a 'magical' photo shoot to celebrate International Women's Day.
Strike action is causing delays to ferry services leading to disruption spilling over on to Kent's roads as lane shut on route to cross-Channel port.
Motorists have been facing long delays and long queues after a vehicle overturned on the motorway as firefighters were called to help.
Residents were left baffled after spotting a "ring of light" in the sky around the lunar mass and experts have now revealed how it occurred.
A former couple are due to go on trial accused of the murder of a baby boy after details emerged of the harrowing injuries he suffered.
A Kent MP has accused TV presenter Gary Lineker of making 'foul and disgraceful' comments comparing the UK's asylum policy to Nazi Germany.
Two people have been arrested after a 24-year-old was shot dead in a residential street.
A family has paid tribute to an 86-year-old former pub landlord who collapsed after a shift at a supermarket.
An application has been submitted to demolish a historic pub and replace it with flats.
A nightclub will have to close earlier after police requested a licence review following two reported incidents of affray.
Kent Police has said sorry and settled a claim brought by the father of a teenager who died after making a distressing 999 call.
Motorists are facing even more disruption as motorway maintenance workers consider strike action.
Police drones have been hovering over parts of a Kent town as part of a crackdown on unruly bikers.
Crews on seven fire engines were sent to tackle a blaze which has prompted a road closure.
Plans have been approved to more than double the yearly visitors to Bluewater's biggest tourist draw.
An elderly couple have been forced to sleep in their living room for two years - after a burst water main destroyed the foundations of their home.
Some rightly need protecting from the cost of living crisis but for many it could be a good thing, writes Secret Thinker.
On No Smoking Day, our reporter describes his struggles to kick the habit after 40 years - despite the health risks and £400 a month costs...