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Closing down sales have begun at Homebase stores across Kent after the brand fell into administration
Police investigating a “devastating” break-in at a family’s stables have recovered two stolen horses but say one foal remains missing.
Plans to turn an abandoned nightclub into flats have been scrapped as developers claim the housing market “isn’t particularly strong”.
A man has been fined for driving down a School Street during a half-term holiday because it was a teacher training day.
An engineer turned historian has told KentOnline of his experience working at one of the county’s largest hi-tech employers as it turns 25.
Developers who plan to turn a former NHS building into flats say it will be part of a “car-free” scheme.
We look inside a centuries-old town hall where Victorian jail cells are being turned into a new cafe in a £10.5m refurbishment.
Two secondary schools could be closed by the government and reopened under new bosses after plunging into special measures.
A town's Christmas lights switch-on didn’t happen at the weekend due to “technical issues” and “communication failures”, says a council.
A 13-year-old who stabbed a teenage girl in the street has been spared a prison sentence.
Detectives investigating a town centre attack have released CCTV images of three men they wish to speak to.
A suspected hit-and-run driver who fled after a police chase ended in a collision is being hunted by officers.
An application has been submitted to turn a former bank into a café, cosmetic shop and a community meeting place.
New beach huts are finally set to be built after “hugely frustrating” funding concerns meant an additional £140,000 had to be spent.
Officers are urging homeowners and residents to make sure their garages and sheds are locked up after a spate of motorcycle thefts.
A drunk dad violently attacked three of his friends after he was asked to leave their home following a lewd comment to a female pal.
A 27-stone woman who was left feeling "unlovable" after a break-up lost half her body weight - then found a new love.
People were asked to avoid part of a town centre after a fire broke near a busy road junction.
Plans to build 112 homes on land once occupied by Pfizer have been granted - but none of the properties will be classed as ‘affordable’.
A developer wants to slash more than £50m worth of new infrastructure and community facilities - putting a £30m road scheme and new school in doubt.
A pensioner whose Grade II-listed house needs critical repairs says a council mistake has caused months of worry and cost him thousands of pounds.
Join in with classic carols and festive hits at the county’s delightful Christmas concerts.
A ‘lifeline’ second-hand charity store which helps people with autism and challenging backgrounds has closed after a rent review left it in arrears.
The government has announced a £27 million boost for bus services in Kent and Medway. Here we look at how things could change…
Labour has approved plans for 165 rural homes turned down by Conservative housing minister Michael Gove.
Shoppers at an outlet centre got stuck in long tailbacks after a crash which gridlocked a busy tunnel.
Residents battling to stop up to 90 homes being built in a village have been defeated - despite fears the countryside is being “concreted over”.
A farm has been given the go-ahead to open a 45-pitch campsite and micropub as owners say “diversification is key” to staying alive.
A bus driver has turned her vehicle into a festive grotto and is serenading her young passengers with seasonal songs.
Two young entrepreneurs who have taken over a well-known fishmonger shop plan to breathe new life into the business with an entirely Kentish twist.