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A museum has received lottery funding to create a new exhibition about the floating harbours which helped win the Second World War.
A community arts centre will have to shut if it cannot raise £10,000 before Christmas.
A motorist who crashed his car into another vehicle on a busy roundabout was found to be more than three times the legal drink-drive limit.
Safety concerns have been raised over the condition of a “dangerous” footbridge, used by hundreds of people each day.
A landlady wanting to take over a closed-down pub believes reopening it is still viable - as plans to redevelop it were rejected for the third time.
“Desperately sad” garden centre bosses revealed they have been forced to shut after 35 years prompting visitors to voice their sorrow.
Towns across the county paid tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom on Remembrance Sunday.
Four men have been arrested after armed police descended on a harbour this morning.
Police searching for a missing teenager have asked the public for help.
The county’s busiest JD Wetherspoon pub is set to shut for a refurbishment.
Plans have been unveiled for a former Biffa site whose land could be ‘contaminated’.
The thousands of tourists who visit one of Kent’s most popular seaside towns have little idea of the inferno which forever changed it.
How a forgotten gravestone resurrected long-lost links between a school, its wartime past and a solider’s family thousands of miles away.
A health trust has apologised to a heartbroken woman who was mistakenly told she had a chronic condition just days after suffering a miscarriage.
Villagers are fighting to save a historic windmill they say is part of the fabric of their community as a council plans to sell it off.
The co-owner of a new shop says allowing traders to rent out a small part of her store to sell their goods could be the future of the high street.
Controversial plans to install a “monstrous” mobile phone mast on top of a health centre in a historic market town have sparked fury among residents.
A Kent company which raises money on high streets for homeless military veterans is under investigation by the police over alleged “irregularities”.
A new co-working space carved out of the multi-million pound transformation of a shopping centre is set to welcome its first entrepreneurs.
A man has been taken to hospital with injuries to his hands after police were called to reports of a person seen “smashing windows” .
Ambitious plans for part of a new 19-hectare urban park will now take shape on Kent’s largest housing estate after being given the green light.
Dog owners can now enjoy a paddle with their pets as Kent’s largest shopping centre becomes the latest leisure operator to cater for furry friends.
A 27-year-old woman who drunkenly stormed into a disabled pensioner’s flat and stole her mobile has been told to “turn her life around” or face jail.
Police are appealing for witnesses after a woman was reportedly approached by a man before being touched inappropriately.
Five fire engines spent more than two hours tackling a blaze at a rural barn in the early hours.
A landlady wants to "lead the way for women" as she becomes RNLI's first female helm after more than 10 years.
Ambitious plans that will see luxury new homes, a rocking horse museum and workshop, cafe, and farm shop built on disused land have been approved.
A 17th-century seafront inn could now be transformed into holiday rentals after plans to convert it into flats were ditched.
A well-used road currently shut for seven weeks of gas works has temporarily reopened for a limited time.
An arrest has been made by detectives investigating reports four people were assaulted by a man with an unknown substance.
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