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A major flood prevention scheme has been welcomed by residents affected by torrential downpours.
Plans for a “natural” burial ground where animal lovers can be laid to rest near their pets have emerged, sparking fears over increased traffic.
A landlord has described the highs and lows of running an independent pub - from looking after locals to competing with Wetherspoon.
A young paedophile who was caught on camera abusing one of his two victims has been told by a judge he "destroyed childhoods and innocence".
A secondary school is considering changing its uniform policy so all pupils wear trousers - following complaints about short skirts.
Families have been left without water at a new-build apartment complex for five consecutive weekends after struggles with a faulty pump.
The abusive birth mother of Tony Hudgell has been subjected to threats and attacks in her prison cell, it has emerged.
The fire service has confirmed the cause of a call-out to an industrial estate after several reports of a ‘loud bang’ in the area.
Four lions have arrived in the county from war-torn Ukraine following rescue plans almost a year in the making.
Emergency services descended on a village following the discovery of a man’s body inside a property.
A primary school has issued a warning to parents after reports of an older man approaching young people.
A 34-year-old sex offender who was banned from using social media and the internet has been locked up for breaching a court order.
A police dog who has helped officers arrest several dangerous criminals across Kent during his career has retired.
A school is celebrating after receiving its latest Ofsted report.
Fashion chain New Look is set to relocate to a bigger unit at Kent’s biggest shopping centre.
Dashcam footage captures the moment a driver’s quick-thinking prevented a head-on crash with a young cyclist who had swerved into the road.
Shocking footage captured the moment would-be thieves attempted to break-in to a family's home in the middle of the night.
A motorcyclist is in hospital after allegedly being kicked by two men on an e-bike as he rode through the town before crashing into metal railings.
A firefighter looking for a change of pace is attempting to turn her craft hobby into a money-making business as part of an award winning TV show.
A fundraiser has been set up for an outdoors-loving five-year-old boy who required emergency surgery for a serious condition.
Police closed a busy road as paramedics treated a boy hit by a car before taking him to a London hospital.
The county’s largest local authority has been invited to provide further evidence to the government about the growing disruption caused by roadworks.
One of Kent’s oldest pubs has gone up for sale following its shock closure last month.
Plans for eight flats on a car park will “breathe new life” into a Kent town and provide “much-needed affordable homes”, bosses say.
A huge pile of fly-tipped waste has blocked access to a slip road, with work underway to clear the rubbish and find out who is responsible.
A university has failed to remove rooftop ventilation units blocking out historic views - despite an enforcement notice ordering it to do so.
A drug-driving mum was so “out of it” on the school run that members of the public took her car keys and walked her children to class.
Residents say they feel “victimised” over proposals to paint double yellow lines outside their cottages to make life easier for their new neighbours.
A Roman sculpture which was found on a development site had its head and right hand chopped off in a “ritual”, a new study has uncovered.
There are concerns about the side effects on vaping as the number of teenagers addicted to the habit are revealed.
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