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From glowing waves to demon shrimp, here are some of the weird and wonderful natural events in Kent.
The father of a man killed in the 7/7 London bombings has shared his thoughts on the tragedy.
An inspection of a Kent prison has revealed the concerning effects of lockdown restrictions on inmates, including one 'self-inflicted' death.
A landlady says the character of her pub has been ruined after a tree that stood outside the building for decades was knocked down by a refuse truck.
Kent County Council has confirmed arrangements for refunding school bus pass payments made before the coronavirus outbreak.
More women in the county are having abortions than ever before, with the biggest rise coming among those aged 25 to 29, new figures show.
The challenge saw the personal trainer completing daily marathons by the end of a month-long series of runs.
The percentage of children getting a place at their first-choice school is decreasing, with Kent behind the national average.
Campaigners are calling for beach lifts to be re-opened to provide better access for disabled and elderly people, and parents with small children.
A healthcare provider's contract has been suspended after it was found long waiting times placed skin cancer patients at risk.
A stray dog service is appealing for information after an elderly Labrador was found with a note saying he had not 'learnt to be good'.
Arts organisations are celebrating after the government announced a financial boost to save the industry.
A police officer and two members of police staff are being investigated following the death of a teenage boy.
Almost 25% of parents whose child has been bullied in the county say their school did not deal with the situation quickly or effectively enough.
Police are appealing for anyone who saw a row between a passenger and driver of a car and a group of cyclists to get in touch.
A former pupil has paid tribute to her "most favourite teacher' who died in a road accident.
A person was injured after an out-of-control bonfire spread to a garage.
As Covid-19 cases soared and volunteers left Calais “en masse”, a 21-year-old woman from Kent was just on her way to the migrant camps...
Hotel bosses want to transform a rundown cottage - formerly owned by Lord Kitchener - into a holiday home for wedding guests and families.
A leading historian is set to start conducting three-day tours of the county, unearthing the secrets of what life was like under the Romans.
A major emergency response is underway after a person is thought to have fallen from a bridge on the A249.
The Government is to pump £1.5bn into emergency measures to save the arts scene from catastrophe - to the delight of Kent's venues and artists.
The family of a teenage girl killed in a car crash are asking anyone with information about the incident to come forward.
Worshippers returned to Canterbury Cathedral following months of closure for a special service led by the Archbishop of Canterbury.
An academy is to be closed for a day of mourning for a teacher who was killed in a road accident.
A teenager girl was killed and four others seriously hurt after a car left the road and collided with a tree.
A businessman has set up a bar hire company with a difference during lockdown – how about running your own inflatable pub in your back garden?
Officers dispersed a crowd after a fight broke out on the first evening of drinking in the reopened pubs.
Always willing to take on a challenge, here's what one of our reporters thought of a trip to the pub.
A fault in the electricity network has left people in six postcode areas without power this morning.