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It's been a real rollercoaster for the seaside amusement park but Dreamland has managed to make it to its 100th birthday.
Archive pictures look back at the opening of a Kent hospital as it marks its 90th birthday today.
A nurse who has worked at a Kent hospital for 45 years has told of her incredible career and the changes she has witnessed.
Bosses behind plans for a huge warehouse on an industrial estate are remaining tight-lipped over who will run the two-storey site.
Landlords and brewery bosses say many customers are chomping at the bit to finally be able to return to their much-loved boozers.
Landlords across the country are getting ready to welcome back thirsty punters, but will your local micropub be among them?
A grieving mum is calling for dogs to be kept on leads at a cemetery where her baby boy is buried.
A medic who 'demanded obedience' from his partner has been struck off to protect the public.
Four of the 91 restaurants to close after Casual Dining Group called in the administrators are in Kent
An 18-month trial to help decide the best way to tackle flooding is to be carried out by Kent County Council.
A two-storey John Lewis shop which has been shut since lockdown began may never reopen its doors.
Loving tributes have been paid to a previous winner at the British Sidecar Championships as an inquest opens into his death.
A council tenant has told Ross Kemp how he was forced to move to Bradford.
A drugs lab has been brought down and 28 million pills seized after a 'WhatsApp for criminals' was infiltrated in Britain's biggest ever crime bust.
Bosses at a popular amusement park have announced rides will not be running this summer as other attractions reopen.
A police investigation has been launched into the latest twist in a row over a pride flag.
A convenience store linked to a stabbing has been closed down after police gained a court order having found thousands of illegal cigarettes.
A 46-year-old man followed a woman when she got off a train before launching an attack which left her in hospital.
The county's health bosses have said residents won't be placed under restrictions as they urge the public to behave as pubs and businesses reopen.
The owner of a beauty salon feels the industry is being "ignored and disregarded" by politicians.
A hugely popular soft play centre has announced its closure - adding social distancing is "pretty much impossible" for children at such attractions.
A woman says she was attacked during a row with a group 'raping and pillaging' a beach for crabs, cockles and other shellfish as authorities wade in.
A major development is on the verge of gaining the seal of approval after developers pledged to pay £2.2 million towards a relief road.
Robopets Bonzo the dog and Simba the cat are providing therapy to care home residents - some who suffer with dementia - during the outbreak.
New coronavirus cases in Kent and Medway are far below the 'at risk' level, new data shows.
As Kent's pubs get set to reopen our undercover reporter heads to the coast.
A community has reacted angrily after a 200-strong rave took place illegally in woodland as rubbish and beer bottles were left strewn everywhere.
Police joined the search for a man in his 50s who disappeared in the early hours of yesterday morning.
A teenager has been charged with murder after two sisters were stabbed to death in a park after a socially distanced birthday.
A couple from Kent are among six to battle the High Court to make humanist weddings legally recognised.
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