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Police have reopened the bridge linking Sheppey with the mainland after a lorry broke down.
A government assumption there will be a free trade agreement after Brexit is "borderline reckless", MPs have warned.
Three brothers have been jailed for dealing drugs from a fast food takeaway.
A man was taken to hospital after a blaze at a mobile home's decking spread to the roof.
Counterfeit goods including fake Barcelona and Borussia Dortmund football shirts were found at the Port of Dover.
The chief executive of the county’s largest buy-to-let lender has attacked government policy for squeezing the income of amateur landlords.
The ex-boyfriend of a university student is due to enter a plea in court today after she was fatally stabbed in a car park.
A Kent hospital has been branded 'third world' after a pregnant woman encountered blood stains on the floor.
A road accident victim sent nearly 100 letters to a firm of solicitors years after they had secured him compensation.
The life of a young man studying engineering tragically ended during a trip to visit friends in Germany.
It's that time of year when crackers are pulled to reveal a festive-themed joke, to get the celebration started here's nine of the best.
kmfm is giving listeners another chance to win £1,000 in the run-up to Christmas.
There is traffic gridlock after a collision between a motorcyle and car led police to close Rochester Bridge.
Pupils have been urged to walk home in pairs after a child was asked to get into a stranger's car.
A script handwritten by Ronnie Barker is going under the hammer.
A Kent Poet Laureate has been busy planning Christmas events and activities for one of the county's cities.
An American magazine has published the names of the people it has named as its Person of the Year.
A poignant event has taken place on the first anniversary of the tragic death of a teenager who fell into a river.
Almost all parts of the county have seen a reduction in the amount of anti-social behaviour, according to a new report.
A rural road was closed after reports of a two-car crash, while police diverted traffic.
Police have arrested a man on suspicion of child grooming after paedophile hunters filmed a live video of a so-called sting on social media.
A road has been closed after a pedestrian was allegedly run over at a crossing.
A new shop will be opening in this popular shopping centre.
A woman was allegedly kicked on the floor and verbally abused during an unprovoked attack.
Police are growing concerned for the welfare of a 17-year-old who hasn't been seen since Saturday.
More than 300 bottles of sparkling wine have been stolen from a Kent business.
High winds and driving rain brought in by Storm Caroline have forced the closure of a swimming pool after its roof was damaged.
A gang of men dumped a handgun in a car park after raiding a house filled with cannabis.
Two men remain in custody after police stopped a suspicious vehicle and seized two parcels of drugs.
A drink-driver called Beer is among the latest to be sentenced at Kent's magistrates courts.
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