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A beekeeper has been left "gutted" after thieves swiped over 200,000 bees and their hives from a farm.
The UK's human rights watchdog has launched legal action against a controversial landlord over his ban on "battered wives" 'and coloureds'.
Lifeguards have started their training at a beach where seven men tragically died after getting into trouble there last year.
A litter warden boasted of making nearly £1,000 in ‘bonuses’ while patrolling the streets, an investigation has revealed.
A third teenager has been charged after a homeless 21-year-old was found beaten to death.
A football fan who paid £100 for a £12 ticket got a lovely surprise when he turned up to the match.
Two lanes have been shut so expect long delays.
A driver admitted blame after driving over a hill at speed and causing a "near head-on" crash which killed a woman, a court heard.
A man is reported to have been stabbed in a terrifying raid after four men with covered faces broke into a home.
A lifeboat station is urging members of the public to keep an eye out after three suspected suicide attempts on the same beach in five days.
A lane is now clear after it was blocked druing a three-car crash on the M2.
A teenage girl was hit by a car as she was getting off a bus.
A barn was left damaged after a fire broke out in a pile of wood nearby on a farm last night.
A cleaner says she's been barred from a garage after complaining about 'phantom petrol' being added to her bill.
A drunk thug spat and hurled racist abuse at police, including making offensive remarks about the Westminster terror attack.
A couple who were told to give up their severely autistic twins have bravely described their struggle to cope - and determination not to abandon them.
The boyfriend of a woman who died when their motorbike collided with a truck is to appear in court charged with causing her death.
Swarms of insects can be seen in the window and inside what used to be a computer shop and environmental health has been informed.
A police car has been spotted stranded in a supermarket car park with three flat tyres.
An elderly man was cared for by firefighters and paramedics after a crash involving two cars and a van at a supermarket.
Police and paramedics were called following reports a man was assaulted in a park.
Veterans, bikers and standard bearers are invited to form a guard of honour at the funeral of a soldier who belonged to an elite special forces unit.
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has hit out at the Tories' plan for more grammar schools - calling it a "vanity project".
Thieves who swiped a two metre squared 'dinosaur' from a mini golf course have been warned... we've caught you on CCTV.
Drivers should expect delays on all approaches to a busy roundabout after a manhole cover 'sank'.
Officers told teachers to keep pupils within the grounds while they dealt with an 'incident'.
A council's been forced to apologise after sending out polling cards to thousands of voters containing the wrong information.
Police hunting for a man who attacked a woman as she walked home from work have released this efit.
Two men have been charged following a vehicle theft and a robbery.
A council has removed litter wardens from the streets after an undercover investigation revealed they were being paid hefty bonuses.
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