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Motorists have been facing long delays on the M2 while emergency services dealt with a three-car crash on the coast-bound carriageway.
Lively Lilly Day's life is a ticking timebomb... after being diagnosed with a condition so rare only 19 other people have it.
A pub landlord has been locked up for joining in a racially-aggravated attack on two customers... before glassing another victim while on police bail.
Plans for a massive hub airport in the Thames Estuary have not been shortlisted in an aviation review - but a new Kent airport is still on the cards.
A 76-year-old man has suffered multiple fractures and needed 40 stitches in his face after a "savage and sustained" beating in his own flat.
A married policeman has today been acquitted of misusing his position to try to persuade several women to have sex with him, but could face a retrial.
Two men have been locked up for a total of seven years after taking advantage of an "unconscious" woman in the street and sexually assaulting her.
Police want help identifying a man who exposed himself to a group of women in a riverside beauty spot.
Two women accused of stabbing a DJ, slashing his throat and dumping his body next to his car have chosen not to give evidence at their trial.
Four boastful armed robbers have been jailed for a total of more than 40 years after a pair of pyjamas and a bragging 'selfie' led to their downfall.
Toxic toys that can cause cancer have been seized from a Kent market stall two years after they were banned across Europe.
A 15-year-old boy missing for five days has returned home, police have confirmed.
The head of Ofsted has criticised grammar schools and said they should not be allowed to expand after Kent's bid for a new annexe was rejected.
Tributes have been paid after a driver died when his car overturned in an early-morning crash on the A2 yesterday.
Thousands of Kent families are now so poor they can't even afford to feed themselves, a shock new report's revealed.
An amateur singer has been refused a place on a theatrical society's cast... and claims it is because he has cerebral palsy.
Children were evacuated from a swimming pool amid fears of a pervert in the changing rooms... only to discover the alarm was caused by a false leg.
Hundreds attended the funeral of Italian waiter Joele Leotta - who died after an 'assault' at his bedsit.
Police are investigating claims a woman in her 20s was the victim of a serious sexual assault on a beach early today.
A Kent pensioner has been discovered beheaded in an African apartment as a woman in her 30s is arrested on suspicion of the machete murder.
A man's pick-up truck was left a burnt-out shell after bursting into flames in a residential street.
A group of children have been banned from appearing in their annual pantomime for the first time in 50 years - on health and safety grounds.
A father is facing sentence after admitting asking a teenager in America to send him naked pictures of herself after they met in an internet chatroom.
A former tailor who had boasted Frank Sinatra among his clients died when doctors failed to spot a clot on his brain, an inquest's heard.
An investigation was launched today when a man died after emergency services were called to a block of flats.
A married couple are among those facing sentence for their part in coercing a trafficked woman brought to Kent into a sham marriage.
A dog has died after being rescued along with two other animals from a blaze that left a house badly damaged.
Families are being urged to take extra care with cooking tonight as firefighters walk out for four hours.
A council has apologised after sending a letter to a man's wife - who died weeks earlier - offering condolences on HIS death.
After a false start due to the tidal surge, a 318-tonne electricity transformer - the size of a house - is inching through Kent at 12mph today.
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