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Scout hut fire

Scout hut fire

Save Jessica Wales campaign

Save Jessica Wales campaign

Brave young Westgate woman Jessica Wales is facing a race against time as a host of celebrities join a last-minute web campaign to find her a double lung donor.

Company fined over death

Company fined over death

Kent Young Chef 2009

Kent Young Chef 2009

The search is on to find the winner of the 2009 Kent Young Chef Award.

Crash causes traffic chaos

Crash causes traffic chaos

Massive changes to docks

Massive changes to docks

Hate crime DVD

Hate crime DVD

'Body in suitcase' woman named

'Body in suitcase' woman named

Mail office strike ends early

Mail office strike ends early

Murderer boasts from inside

Murderer boasts from inside

Woman gets five-year ASBO

Woman gets five-year ASBO

Body found in Ramsgate

Body found in Ramsgate

Robbers strike at shop

Robbers strike at shop

Thousands to make pilgrimage

Thousands to make pilgrimage

Double death crash

Double death crash

Canterbury Eurofair 2009

Canterbury Eurofair 2009

Two guilty of heroin charge

Two guilty of heroin charge

Man pulled from fire

Man pulled from fire

Work begins to conserve castle

Work begins to conserve castle

Work begins to conserve Dover

Work begins to conserve Dover

Cage fighter admits his part

Cage fighter admits his part

Kentish Food Week

Kentish Food Week

Complaints against the police

Complaints against the police

KCC chief demands meeting

KCC chief demands meeting

Fire at charity

Fire at charity

Homes flooded by sewage

Homes flooded by sewage

Man freed from van

Man freed from van

Banana lorry overturns Strood

Banana lorry overturns Strood

Gang rapists jailed

Gang rapists jailed

Kitten rescued by firefighters

Kitten rescued by firefighters

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